Chapter 1

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Azalea Garcia

"Azalea come and help with the boxes, they're not gonna move themselves" I hear my brother Aster shout from downstairs. I groan and get off of my new bed and head down the stairs.

You may be wondering 'wow your names are pretty weird' I agree my mom named me and my brother after her two favourite flowers which were (as you guessed) azaleas and asters.

Even though they are strange names I like my name because it reminds me of my mom. and to answer another one of your questions, my mom died 5 years ago from a car accident when I was 12 and Aster was 19 and we haven't been the same since.

I didn't realise I had been sat on the bottom step of the stairs until my brother waved his hand in front of my face. "Earth to azzy, please can you help me now instead of staring at the wall?"

I slapped his hand away from my face and journeyed to the kitchen to unpack the boxes. 3 hours later, I had finally finished unpacking the kitchen and my room, and I was ready to sleep for an eternity.

I fished out a pair of pyjamas and lay in my bed to try and get some sleep before starting my new school tomorrow.


I woke up abruptly in the early hours of the morning from one of my constant nightmares I have. I groaned and took a sip of water from my nightstand. As much as I want to just sleep I can't because of my nightmares.

His wicked grin when he hurt me and his horrible words fill these nightmares. I hate that man the person I once called father but the worst thing is I don't hate him in fact sometimes I felt like I deserved it.

If only I didn't beg for my mom to pick up my school project from my stupid school she would still be here to this day and maybe my dad wouldn't hate me.

I shook my head from these thoughts and lay my head on my pillow and stared out of my bedroom window.

Darkness was all I saw, I would do this often to try and fall asleep thinking about how the world looked so calming and peaceful but I knew it was far from that.

The world can be a bad place yet it could be a great place similar to people. As I was lay thinking these thoughts I felt my eyelids drop until I fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.



I slapped my hand over my phone to cancel out the dreadful noise of my alarm and rubbed my eyes sleepily. I decided it was pointless trying to go back to sleep so I went into my bathroom to take a shower.

I stripped out of my pyjamas and jumped in the shower. I used my vanilla shampoo and conditioner and my coconut body wash and then got out before the water went cold. I took the clothes that I hung up on my door last night and got dressed.

(outfit at the top) I decided to wear a black yves saint Laurent t-shirt tucked into a pair of denim shorts and my white air force 1s. I paired it with some small earrings and a necklace my mum had given me when I was younger.

I didn't wear heavy makeup so I put on some mascara and lip gloss and I was ready to go.

I take a quick glance in the mirror noting my short 5'4 height and wavy brown hair. Nothing stood out to me as special, the only thing I truly liked were my brown eyes which I think complimented my olive skin. However many boys in the past have seemed to like my boobs and but for 'their size'.

Boys are strange.

I picked up my bag and headed to the kitchen where my brother was sitting drinking a coffee.

My brother works as a physical therapy assistant and is very good at his job and it pays pretty well. My brother is really smart with a GPA of 4.0 which is helpful when I need help with school.

You could say I am a typical nerd, I read a lot and I enjoy school. I grab a pop tart and make myself a beloved iced coffee. Let me tell you something I am OBSESSED with iced coffee to the point that if I could marry it I would.

When I had made my coffee I heard my brother telling me to get into his car so he can take me to school.

My brother has a mercedes c-class and I love it even though its not my car. Believe it or not I have an interest in cars thanks to my brother, so I could name a car I saw drive past pretty easily.

A couple summers ago I even started to work at a garage of one of Asters friends owned, he was reluctant to hire me because he thought I had no knowledge of cars but I proved him wrong.

I was even more surprised that my dad even let me work at the time but I couldn't complain seems as it was an extra chance to get away from him.

I heard the driver door open and my brother starting the car and then we were off. I started to play with my fingers nervously and I tapped my foot on the floor, feeling anxious. "don't stress azzy, it will be fine you will make loads of friends" My brother spoke softly.

The thing was, I wasn't nervous about me making friends I was nervous about my stutter. I haven't always had a stutter, when I was about 14 my dad was high and drunk and pushed me down the stairs.

I was in a coma for a week and the doctors said I would have a permanent stutter.

I was devastated and what made things worse was that my dad didn't even admit to what he'd done and simply said he found me at the bottom of the stairs when he came home from work.

Everyone believed him because he was the sheriff of the town, and even then I believed I deserved it. I decided to not push the conversation any further and just nodded at my brother.

Five minutes later, I had arrived at the school and started walking towards the office. When I reached the large mahogany desk I rang the bell and waited for assistance.

A couple minutes later, a frail old woman appeared. "H-hello I am n-new h-here" I spoke softly. "ok what's your name" the old woman asked "A-azalea Garcia" I replied.

She typed away on her computer and then handed me my locker number, a map and my schedule I replied with a quiet thank you and went to find my locker.

After about 5 minutes of looking I finally found it just as the bell rang. I put away my belongings and started walking to my first class.

🍿well that's the end of chapter one I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know how it was I would love to hear what you think.😃😃

Word count:1206

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