Chapter 23

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Azalea Garcia

When I got home from the hospital, I went straight to my room with a McDonald's bag in hand. Hehe. Thank you brother dearest.

I spent my night watching Netflix and Disney plus, catching up with my tv shows.

My brother was being extra caring which I appreciated but I couldn't wait to just lie in bed by myself with no one to bother me.

Jax's messages made me smile throughout the evening, his vivid face constantly in the back of my mind.

I managed to fall asleep around 10:30, nightmares not present easing me to my slumber.

The next morning

I woke up feeling refreshed and energised. I did an ugly stretch and got out of bed to get ready.

(Outfit above) I picked out some denim jeans that have rips on the knees and a grey woolly sweater. I put my mother's necklace on and my nike huaraches.

I brushed my hair and then added lipgloss and mascara to my face, I sprayed some perfume and then raced down the stairs to the kitchen making sure to count the steps.

A:N: am I the only one that counts steps when going down the stairs and then when I go to other people's houses I count theirs to see if we have the same amount of steps? Just me- ok.

I reached the kitchen and see my brother who is sat on one of the bar stools speaking to someone on the phone, looking rather irritated.

I grab a piece of toast and chug my iced coffee before mouthing to my brother that I will walk to school. He nods and kisses my forehead and I walk out the front door.

I walk down the path with an AirPod in listening to 'fluorescent adolescent' by Arctic Monkeys. I hum quietly to the tune, enjoying the short time I have to myself.

A familiar revv of a car engine makes me look up from the path. I turn to my left and see Jax in his car with his elbow leaning out the window.

I take out my AirPod and give him a small wave. He smiles at me and then speaks "Get in I'll drive you"

I rush to the passenger side and sit down throwing my bag near my feet. I give Jax a cheeky grin before looking ahead at the road.

Throughout the drive we make small conversation, with Jax asking me if I feel ok every now and then.

We soon arrive at school and we get out to go inside. I walk with Jax and see Hailey glaring at me.

I just ignored her but Jax noticed her glare and returned it with an even colder one making her expression soon drop.

I go to my locker with Jax hot on my trail and find my necessary books for the day. "Do you need me to carry anything for you?" He asks.

I smile but shake my head no. The bell rings for first lesson and I say goodbye to Jax even though he wanted to take me to my lesson in case anything happened to me.

He's so dramatic.

I walk into science and see Amelia sat at our usual table. I walk over to her and put my bag on the floor and sit on the stool next to her.

"So do you feel better now?" She asks kindly. "Yes I'm f-fine" I smile at her and she begins writing the date in her book.

After about five minutes of the lesson starting, the door opens and Archer walks in. Shock and guilt rushes through me.

I wasn't here to show him round.

"Sorry miss, I'm still trying to figure my way around" he says apologetically. She waves him off and he smiles.

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