Chapter 42

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Azalea Garcia

"Are you ok baby? Azalea?" I remove my attention from off of my phone onto Jax, slyly slipping my phone into my Jean pocket.

"Er yes I-I'm fine" I smile trying to calm my nerves. He nods not looking too sure.

What do I do?

A part of my mind is telling me to forget I ever saw that stupid message, but another stupid part of me is terrified that if I don't go.

I don't know.

I don't know what could happen.

I pick up one of my fries and begin eating again as if what had just happened never happened.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jax asks, concern clear in his eyes. I smile at him and nod, trying my best to convince him.

My hands slightly shake picking up my drink and I curse myself for making it so obvious.

10 minutes go by and everyone gets up ready to leave. Aster pays the bill and we all head out back to the car.

The car ride was full of conversation yet when I was sat there, looking out of the window, the voices were small echoes nonchalant to my ears.

I would butt into conversation every now and then to not make it seem like somethings off, but I had no idea what any of them were talking about.

I looked at the time on my phone.


I had to get to the forest by 7. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans and exhaled deeply, feeling my heart pumping fast in my rib cage.

Thankfully, we soon reached our house and we all got out of the car. We all head inside and I thanked Aster for taking us out.

Me and Jax head upstairs into my bedroom,and for the first time in my life.

I wanted him to leave.

I needed to get my head together but with him here it would be a distraction and I would end up telling him about the message.

I have thought about telling him, god I felt like crying and yelling it to him in the diner just so I could feel safe with his arms wrapped around me telling me that there's nothing to worry about.

But I didn't.

I didn't tell him, and I won't tell him.

I can just sense something off with this and if there was any type of danger I wouldn't want him or anyone I love to get hurt.

We lay in my bed for a while just me and him enjoying each other's company.

I rest my head on his chest as he strokes my hair. I pray that he couldn't hear how loud my heart was beating.

His phone goes off and he picks it up with his free hand. It was his mom.

"Hello" he says through the phone. I hear mumbles of his moms voice through the phone and jasmine's cute squeals in the background.

I smile as I listen to the conversation. "Ok I'll be there in a minute" he replies and ends the call, placing the phone back down beside him.

"My moms asked me if I can look after Jasmine. I can go or I can stay if you want me to?" He asks stroking my cheek.

I peck his lips and give him a reassuring smile. "No y-you go, I can t-tell she's e-excited to spend t-time with you" I reply and he nods his head.

He gets up to put his shoes on and jacket and I stand up with him. Without giving him any notice, I wrap my arms around his waist so tightly as if I was scared he would disappear.

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