Chapter 2

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Azalea Garcia

After about five minutes of walking around aimlessly, I finally found my calculus room. I knew I was 5 minutes late which made me even more nervous than I already was because I hated being the center of attention.

I took a deep breathe and went inside and hoped that I wouldn't humiliate myself. When I entered, the room went deadly silent.

My heart was pounding like a hammer and I could feel everyone staring at me. "You must be Azalea Garcia" the teacher spoke. All I could think to do was nod my head.

The teacher rolled her eyes at me and spoke "Well first of all you are 5 minutes late but I will let you off seems as you are new, so please take a seat"

I mumbled a quite sorry and went to take a seat. I sat confused thinking why did she roll her eyes it's not like I purposely tried to be late.

An hour later, the bell rang and I went to my next lesson.

When lunch time came, I found a spot under a big oak tree and decided to eat my lunch there seems as I don't like the noise in the cafeteria.

I put in my airpods and listened to Naive by The Kooks and then leant my head against the hard bark of the tree.

Whilst eating my apple, a shadow stood in front of me. I looked up and came face to face with a really beautiful girl.

She had bright green eyes and long blonde hair and was really slim. Wow she was really beautiful but why was she stood here. "C-can I h-help y-you" I asked confused.

"Yes you can help me by being my new best friend" she said with a bright smile on her face. I looked up at her in confusion and thought.

Why would she want to be friends with the stutter girl?

"why w-would y-you want to b-be f-friends with m-me?" I asked. She laughed before saying. "all the girls in this school are bitches to be honest and your new and you seem really nice plus you seemed lonely sitting by yourself" she replied.

I sat for a minute before thinking what do I have to lose "O-ok I will b-be your f-friend" She clapped her hands and squealed excitedly.

I laughed and told her to sit next to me. We spoke about loads of things and I found out her name was Amelia and when I told her mine she told me it was beautiful which made me blush.

She also told me she had a twin brother in this school called Ryder, so I told her about my brother.

The bell rang suddenly taking us out of our conversation and Amelia said she would take me to my next classes.

After the bell for the end of school rang, I picked up my bag and walked through the halls to get to my brothers car.

Whilst walking through the halls I didn't realise I had walked into a wall but then when I looked up I realised I hadn't walked into a wall, I had walked into the most beautiful man ever created.

He had stormy grey eyes with a tint of gold. He had a chiselled jaw and dark brown hair which looked like he had ran his hand through multiple times.

He had a tanned complexion and was full of muscle. I didn't realise I had been staring until I heard him clear his throat. Wow Azalea stop swooning!

Jax Anders

I was sat on the hood of my car in the school parking lot smoking a cigarette waiting for Ryder to come out.

He is always late it really pisses me off. After calling him 5 times I decided to go and look for him myself. I threw my cigarette on the floor and stood on it with my black boots.

Whilst walking towards the entrance of the school, all I saw was girls swooning over the sight of me and boys looking at me with hatred. This was a daily occurrence to me which could be pretty fucking annoying.

I would say I am a typical bad boy I drink, smoke, skip school and curse but I don't sleep around. One thing my mum taught me was to treat a woman with respect and never take advantage of one which I agree with.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a virgin but I don't sleep with every girl with a pulse like some boys in this school.

Whilst I was thinking these thoughts I didn't realise I had bumped into someone. I was already irritated with Ryder not answering my calls so I was ready to lash out at whoever had walked into me but when I saw her beautiful face I couldn't bring myself to.

She had warm chocolate brown eyes and pink, plump lips giving me dirty thoughts.

Her long brown hair looked so silky I wanted to run my hands through it. I brought myself out of my thoughts when I saw her staring at me.

I smirked to myself before clearing my throat. She jumped out of her trance and then started to blush. Wow that's adorable.

Shut up Jax since when do you think girls are adorable.

"I-I'm sorry I w-wasn't l-looking where I w-was going" she said in a quite voice. Her voice was like a song I could listen to on repeat, so angelic and beautiful. Where the fuck is this coming from.

I replied with a gruff watch where your going and I could see the hurt in her eyes but I decided its better for me to be rude to her so she wouldn't want to speak to me again.

I continued to walk down the polished hallways to find the idiot I call my best friend and that's when I saw him leaning against the wall locking lips with a girl in our year.

I was pissed off more than I was before knowing that I was waiting around for him whilst he was sharing saliva with some bimbo.

I saw him look up and see me and the girl detached herself from him knowing he wasn't interested anymore. "Hey man" he replied whilst scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the entrance and got in the car and that's when I saw her getting in the car with a boy. I was instantly angry. Why are you angry she's not yours remember.

I took a deep breath and drove out of the school gates. Stop thinking about this girl!

🍿There is chapter 2 finished I hope you enjoyed jax's POV. Please let me know if you would like more of his perspective. Thank you for reading 😀😀

Word count:1128

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