Chapter 16 - Part 1

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Haiden always had thought of himself as a rather studious Wielder, aside from history, that is, but as of lately something else had occupied his mind. Instead of the numerous spells and brand new techniques he had to commit to memory for his next class with Master Rwoy, Haiden trailed back to the underground tunnel beneath the palace.

One moment in particular where the man he cared deeply for placed his smoldering lips onto his. Brandishing a mark for ever to be felt from now on. The moment replayed infinitely in his mind regardless of the time of the day.

He brushed his lips with a furtive touch as if everyone knew and he didn't want them to see. A wave of warmth traveled in his body. The thrill of a secret shared with Tasgal bloomed in his core and memories of light touches of warm bodies came back to him.

A few drops of water dripped on the side of his cheek bringing Haiden to reality. Just moments before becoming aware of his surroundings a pool of cold water drenched him from head to toe.

"What the fuck?" He quickly got up, soaked, looking around for the culprit. Everyone in class burst into laughs. Malticia made a point to laugh extra loud for only she knew why.

His eyes locked with Master Rwoy's as he stared him down with his hands on his hips, tutting at Haiden.

"You know, young Wielder Haiden," Haiden cringed, Master Rwoy never addressed Haiden like that before. "I would assume that by the sixth call you would at least look up and see who has been shouting your name." Master Rwoy shook his head in disappointment. "Dry yourself up. Quickly, now. We don't have all day." Haiden did as instructed and water collected in his hand. "Good." Master Rwoy gave an appreciative nod. "Now, would you like to demonstrate to the class how a lightning bolt is formed? Surely, you already have the grasp on such a complicated Compounded Spell since you decided to not pay attention." His arms folded across his chest and waited.

"Lightning bolt." Haiden repeated. He knew the theory behind it, he had researched thoroughly for his upcoming battle with Bras in the Trials but had never tried it before. It was a dangerous Spell, unreliable and destructive. All he needed to do is break apart the water in his hand into its two elemental components, separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and once that is complete, condense the remaining hydrogen within a spherical barrier and feed it Fios until it becomes plasma. Now, if this was a plasma strike he would send the volatile gas as a projectile towards his target but it's ineffective and slow; useless in combat. This was the easy part. All week the students have been practicing plasma strike, preparing for lightning bolt, it's more advanced and sought after Spell. Although the instructions were easy enough to understand, in practice they seemed impossible. While streaming Fios into the plasma ball, waves of energy would trigger an electric discharge, the bigger the wave the stronger the bolt. And to direct said bolt a path of low resistance had to be created. The book everyone referenced stated that you need to create a conductor and would list potential methods for various conditions and situations. He memorized all of them, but neither would work now. He was surrounded by his fellow classmates, one small slip and would end up blowing someone up. Even if they had their shields raised as precaution, he couldn't risk it. Not everyone was as powerful as him or Bras, or even Camila and the spell was just too unreliable. He took a few deep breaths and remembered a piece of advice that Screech had told him as he studied and practiced in his room.

Guide energy with charge. Like flying. And so he did. Concentrating on charging the air around his target, which in this case seemed to be a simple wooden plank with an "X" on it, Haiden sent a wave of energy releasing the electric charge in a purple flash of light that struck the plank with a ear shattering boom. It hit. Not quite center, but he was satisfied with blowing away the lower left corner and a round of "Ooos" left his colleagues' mouths.

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