Chapter 27 - Part 4

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Haiden ran through the tight dark tunnels that connected the rooms of the Training pit. He followed the tug on the string that attached him and his memories together like an unbreakable bond ready to be re-discovered. It vibrated as it moved, he could feel it closing in.

It's so close! Scratch squirmed with eagerness in his mind. Feeling the creature urging him to move faster.

Haiden weaved through the servants that were caught off guard by a Wielder running through the cramped ways. They froze, hoping not to insult the Wielder by accident, his face obstructed by the darkness they couldn't tell he was one of the contenders of the Trials. He took a sharp left up the next stairway to the surface. As he approached the exit light blinded him as he broke through the darkness. He was out of breath, and stopped to look around.

There were many people on the Academy grounds that came for the show. The string that connected to his chest pulled, it moved through the crowd. He ran after, pushing and elbowing his way through the sea of people, making his way closer and closer. The tug was so strong it almost pulled him off his feet.

It was now so close he could feel it burn as it begged viciously for Haiden to be reconnected with what he had lost, or rather, taken away from him. The moment he broke through the crowd the familiar face was easy to spot. He stood a head taller than anyone there. In his black cloak with green trimming, and dark fitted breeches and tunic in pristine condition, not even one stray fold in his attire; just like the first day he woke up in the Sanctuary. He stuck out like a sore thumb among the crowd with his handsome and clean features.

Haiden approached cautiously, his heart pounding right out of his chest and blood rushing to his head. Screech too was agitated as he closed in. The singeing rage he had felt moments ago began to melt away the closer he got. The man was waiting in line for some fried sweet buns at a makeshift stall lazily installed by a merchant that saw the Academy's opening to the public as a great opportunity for a quick buck.

Memories of Danil trying to teach Haiden how to write and read, bringing him books, laughing together, eating together flashed through his mind. Haiden could now smell the sweet warm notes of holywood where he kept his clothes in, he couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare intensely at the man, with his heart in his throat and his eyes trickling with frustration and confusion.

"I see you're eating better now." Danil startled Haiden. "Two please." hois turn to order came fast and paid, grabbing the two buns with both of his hands. The man turned around and gave Haiden a wide smile. "Here." He handed one to the young Wielder.

"What are you doing here?" Haiden asked, his voice was haggard and his brows darkened with pain, the bond was searing hot and pulsated in his chest. It pulled at him and punished Haiden for resisting.

"Ah...complicated." He repeated himself with a thoughtful expression. "Let us converse in a more...private place." Danil began and Haidend led the man towards the Garden that were off limits to the common folk, as they moved through the crowd Haiden kept looking back making sure the man did no run away, however the apparent presence of the bond that he shared with his taken memories would never let Haiden loose Danil even through a sea of people. Luckily with Wielder and servant watching the Trials no one was around.

"I'm glad to see you, Haiden."

"Don't fuck with me, old man!" Haiden screamed. "I have a lot of questions for you, and you better answer truthfully or..." he threatened.

"Or what?" Danil taunted. "Throw a handful of sparks at me?"

"Don't push me, old man." Haiden clenched his jaw so tight his teeth grinded audibly. "Answer me! Who are you, really?"

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