Chapter 1 - Part 3

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[Haiden's dry tongue scraped his crusty lips; his thirst taking over thinking only of the cold ice water that waited for him. As he approached the water a man burst from the depths stark naked.]

"Regor!?" Haiden managed to croak with a sharp intake of air. He stopped in his tracks letting go of Dusty's reins. His eyebrows rose in shock and his mouth laid open as if he wanted to say something, but he'd lost his ability to form coherent thoughts - words weren't even an option.

"Young Haiden! Dusty!" the naked man moved in big steps weighed down by water. In one hand he held a couple of tied fish and the other was moving frantically, waving.

Haiden, stunned from both relief and embarrassment, he watched Regor's approach unable to move or look away. It was the first time, at least that he remembers, seeing another person, other than himself, naked. He couldn't quite take his eyes off of his companion, noting how different their bodies were. Regor was a tan wall of hard worked muscles draped in thick dark hair and Haiden, well, Haiden was a lean pasty child in comparison, even though Regor was just a couple of years older.

Regor was now at arms-length and smiled warmly. He gave Haiden a slap on the shoulder with his free hand and a few scratches on Dusty's cheek.

"You're alive," Haiden managed to finally say.

"Aye! I'm so happy to see the both of yous. Thought you were dead like these fishes." Regor gave him another slap on the shoulder, this time with such force that Haiden lost his center but quickly rebounded. "How'bout we sit down and you get a taste. Eh?" He said jerking his head towards his camp.

"A-a taste?" Haiden voice cracked and swallowed dry, his eyes darting down and back at his companion's face. He felt Regor's proximity. In the cold air of autumn his friend emanated heat like a quiet summer day contrasting the chill of an autumn morning. Haiden's ears reddened with warmth of their own. He kept his eyes pinned to Regor's face, trying not to lower his gaze.

"Aye, caught these beauties just now!" Regor raised the fish for Haiden to see. "Here, 'old them 'till I get me threads" He pushed the fish in Haiden's arms and strutted down the waterfall river behind a small boulder where he had left his clothing.

Seeing Regor's naked body sent shivers through Haiden's very core. It was like everything has been engulfed in darkness except for his companion, he could not peal his eyes off him, something clicked in Haiden, something he had always pushed down to the very depths of his soul, something that never left even with his memories gone.

Haiden watched Regor still in a slight daze he noticed a heavy bandage on Regor's thigh and made a mental note to ask about it later.

Haiden's throat could not bear it any longer, so he dropped to his knees and gulped mouthfuls of cold fresh water. Dusty followed him immediately messily splashing everywhere while chomping at the water with his vertical split jaw.

Regor joined them quickly fully dressed in damp clothes and they headed back to the camp. They pulled a fallen log and made themselves comfortable while Haiden dosed a few dry twigs and leaves in combustible oil and concentrated to spark a fire.

"How'd you manage to lose that hideous beast. I saw the bastard ran right after you." Haiden broke the silence.

"Climbed up a tree as fast as me legs could hold me. The shit had crooked human-like hands jus'like me aunty Feea. Nasty evil creature, always forced fed me drum roots. Yuck!" Regor mouth turned in disgust. "Nah, the shit really had human hands with thick claws. Never seen nothing like that. Ripped me good pack too, bloody toerag, me ma' gave it to me." Regor replied holding his bag for Haiden to see. It had a big gash right down the middle.

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