Chapter 22 - Part 1

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It was a scorching day in Red Keep and the meeting Araya was attending was taking longer than usual. The lavishly decorated circular room was filled with concentric desks and seats for each Councilman, thirty one in total. Thirty two, with her and thirty three with the Emperor, which never attended these meetings, but today was an exception. The subject in debate was one of serious and sensitive matter. The invasion of Bahal.

Araya looked around the room, everyone was already bored and hungry aside for the Emperor and Councilman Ameral who were at each other's throats trying to undermine one another. He was the only one with high enough rank and power to actually disagree with the Emperor. The rest of the Councilmen stood silently as the two men did everything they could to end up on top. While Ameral was unapologetically visceral and cutthroat in his well thought out arguments, that even if they were fallacies, his gift for twisting the truth and spinning his lies, would make anyone who didn't know better believe the sky was green and the oceans red.

The Emperor knew this very well, and he was prepared. With methodical ease Ryel dismantled each argument that Ameral made with logical exercises.

Araya was surprised to see Emperor Ryel handle such blatant attacks from the Councilman with such composure, and his counter arguments were worded not only to destroy his opponent but lose his credit and credibility as well. She always passed him as a brainless spoiled man-child that just wanted power and wanted to see simple tricks now and again. This was a new side of the Emperor, and it made her fear him. His whole life was a game of politics and getting away from assassination attempts, it was foolish of her to assume he was just a mindless stooge that happened to be born as the sole son of an Emperor.

"I fully understand your concerns, Councilman." Emperor Ryel said with a stern look. He did not give away any emotions, just like his opponent.

"I'm afraid your Imperial Majesty does not fully comprehend the ramifications of a war with Baha." Councilman Ameral immediately interrupted.

"And what ramifications are there that I, Emperor Ryel along with my trusty inner circle and advisors, have not taken into consideration, Councilman." he refused to address his opponent by his name to show him where he stood and pull away from the fact that this man, in front of him, was next in line if something were to happen to Ryel.

"Our people are not ready for another campaign of this magnitude, your Imperial Majesty. We're still rebuilding in the Majhora plains, the farms are still not proving profitable as the land need to heal from our own foolish actions against -"

"I am well aware of my father's poor decisions, Councilman. That was well over ten years ago. The Empire must expand, and we need Bahal's resources."

"Majhora plains border Bahal, your Imperial Majesty, "

"I do know geography, Councilman."

"It was not my intention to assume you do not, your Imperial Majesty, however, I fear that if war pushes into the Majhora it will set back the people there by years."

"I assure you, Councilman, and esteemed Councilmen," Ryel looked around the room. "The strategy we devised will not impact any territory that is bordering Bahal."

"And what is this marvelous strategy, your Imperial Majesty? We, the Councilmen, with the power invested in us by your grace, will need to be made aware of what we stand to lose before we make a decision on whether we go to war or not. I believe it is within our dutiful right to refuse such request if our people are to lose greatly."

"I fear I cannot share that information with you, I have strong reasons to believe we might have a spy among us at the Red Keep, Councilman, and such sensitive information will remain with me and my inner circle until it is upon us to act."

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