Chapter 2 - Part 5

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[Haiden was too out of it due to recent events to really pay attention to the road so he just followed Tasgal's broad back. Power and confidence, overwhelming confidence bordering arrogance emanated from his stance.

A true warrior, he thought lowering his gaze as blood rushed through his body. No, stop it! he chastised himself. He took a deep breath to calm down. Not the place, time or person.]

The winter twilight's flaming pinks and oranges colored the white buildings in a stark display of light. Haiden didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, his gaze never leaving Tasgal's broad back. His thoughts kept going back to the woman that was brutally murdered in the plaza.

I have to be careful from now on, he thought. But a sinking feeling in his stomach told him this will be harder than he'd hoped. From what he understood from Tasgal there's an organization whose sole purpose is to instil the Creator's teachings, among which Yeva'ahs are regarded as sinners. I need to stay out of their eye at all costs.

The light show quickly dissipated into brief darkness before tall metal rods illuminated the streets. Haiden dared to take his eyes of Tasgal's back, keeping his pace, and looked at the incredible sources of light. He had never seen anything like it. At the top of the rod sat a jewel like stone that illuminated their way. They passed rod after rod until Haiden bumped into something hard. His face was pressed into Tasgal's broad back. He smelled nice, of leather, fresh herbs and sweat. Haiden stole a breath before pulling away.

"What are you doing?" Tasgal said with a light chucke. Haiden pointed at the rods and replied.

"I've never seen anything like that." Tasgal creased his brow.

"Oh, the lamp posts. Yeah, they're pretty new. I gotta say, it's really convenient."

"How do do they work?" Haiden asked amazed.

"See that small gem at the top? It's a light stone, wielders charge them once a week or so, and when it's dark they just light up on their own." Tasgal replied with a shrug. With his mouth ajar, Haiden looked back at the rods in wonder. "The gems were discovered by one of the teachers here at the Academy," Tasgal continued grabbing Haiden's attention. "There are a few gems that...uh..."Tasgal's eyes settled in a squint trying to remember something. "channel, that's the word, they channel fios and make things happen."

"Whaaa...that's amazing." he managed to say.

"Come on, we're here." Tasgal said and before Haiden could say anything else he noticed the huge wrought metal gate that stood in front of him. At either side of the gate, a tall white wall circled the premises. The creek of the metal gate made as Tasgal pushed it, Haiden cringe inwardly reminding him of the creature's howl. He was certain that the creek alerted everyone nearby. You had to be deaf not to hear the horrid almost animal-like sound.

Just as they stepped in on the premises he saw a light bobbing and moving their way. There were no lamp posts on the other side of the wall so everything was pitch black, he could hardly see Tasgal's silhouette due to the green sister in the sky.

"Ah! The welcoming committee" Tasgal said in a light tone as the light approached them.

"The what - "

"Have you any idea what time it is?" a breathy voice boomed from the light's direction. Hurried footsteps on the stone tiled way pattered at a hurried pace. Soon a round silhouette became discernible in front of them obscured by the lamp's light. As it got closer, Haiden could make out more and more details until the wrinkly face of an old man draped in what seemed like five blankets stood next to them. His wispy white beard pointed to the ground and pale eyes caught the warm light of the lamp he was holding. Similar to the lamp post, it had a gem inside but encased in glass. Slight warmth emanated from the old man's lamp. He looked mildly annoyed but comfortable within the confines of the warm blankets.

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