Chapter 26 - Part 1

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The red sister loomed over the capital of the Empire like an empress on her throne, looking down at her subjects in cold blood as they were being slaughtered and maimed. The red light of the moon melded into the red stone of the city, blazing it alight with violent hues of crimson. The blood that pooled on the ground paled in comparison. Screams of horror sang through the once melodic city. Within the lower district of Red Keep people fled for their lives in every direction, but it was futile. They were surrounded by fast monstrous creatures. Elongated members, sword-like hands, and vertical mouths that shrieked the dead awake terrorized the poor denizens of the city.

"Mama!" shouted Dobrik through the busy red darkness. His small frame wiggled through the crowd, but all he could see were panicked people running away from something. "Mama! Pa!" He shouted again, trying to find his parents. He looked frantically for them but could not see any familiar faces. It was too dark, the light stones that illuminated the nights of Red Keep had gone out.

"We're all going to die!" A man screamed as he ran past.

"No! Creators! Help us! What is that monster!?" The voice of a woman boomed through. Her baby wrapped tight on her torso as she clawed her way through others.

"Where are the guards!? Where is the Royal guard!?"

"The Order has to save us!"

Dobrik tried to ignore the rest and focus on his parents, but he was locked within a crowd, pushing him and swaying wherever they went. He had no power to push against them. Everyone was much broader and taller than him, obstructing his field of vision. He was helpless.

"Please - " He tried in vain to elbow his way out, but the more he struggled the more people pushed back. "I need to find me parents. Ma! Pa!" No one was listening to him. A stubborn fat man was blocking his left as he tried to escape the crowd. Frustrated, Drobrik, closed his eyes and put all of his strength into one big push, but his palms connected with nothing.

The fat man was sprawled on the ground, whimpering in fear. The men and women around him began pushing back and screaming. The child quickly dashed out, falling on the cobblestone street right on his knees. It hurt, and tears began to pool around his eyes.

"Getrout'me way, kid!" The fat man scrambled on his feet using Dobrik for leverage, struggling on the slippery stones. The man pushed him to the side before he made a run for it.

"That hurt!" Dobrik's mouth puckered into a frown building up to a piercing scream that he let go as his tears began to fall.

Loud thumps resounded through the bloody darkness of the night, approaching fast and nimble. Another shriek penetrated the night. Dorbik's sobs halted abruptly, his gaze locked on his feet. It sounded like it was right behind him. And he was right. The heavy footsteps stopped inches away from him, he was paralyzed with fear, only his chin was free to tremble as the creature's head lowered just above him. It released a deep chuffing sound that reverberated through his whole small body, it was communicating with others as they replied a few feet away. +

The creature rattled as it inhaled the air around Dobrik who was too scared to even think. The creature took another few whiffs and revolution came over it, it gave a disapproving squall and backed away.

The child felt the heavy steps of the creature distance itself away and took his heart in his teeth and slowly moved his legs. "Ma, Pa. I need to find them." He told himself as he looked around, in the dark bloody shadows people lay on the ground, unmoving. He tore his gaze away and began moving aimlessly calling for his parents.


"Commander!" Araya spoke into her bonding stone, she flew through the city at incredible speed, ahead of any mron rider that she left behind. "I'm heading straight to the location, I trust your women and men can handle the situation without me." Her feet barely touched the ground as she propelled herself forward by throwing powerful force blasts behind her.

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