Chapter 29 - Part 2

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Haiden ran as fast as he could, dropping his spell the moment he exited the Ashen dorm. A storm of emotions overcame him. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically from this day. He cried his eyes out as he ran, tripping on every rock along the way, he scrambled to his feet, stumbling into a pair of Ashen.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Vick asked in a stern voice.

"Haiden, are you alright? You seem pale." Kip added.

Haiden didn't reply but turn around and run the other way around, heading towards the Ashen training buildings. They were opposite to the Wielder dormitories and circled past the dining hall.

The muscles in his legs burned with exhaustion and his lungs ached. He reached the training buildings, there was no one in sight. As he approached the last building, the dining hall came into view. His sprint turned into a jog which ultimately turned into a slow limp. Holding his side, Haiden breathed heavily.

Haiden... Screech began.

"I don't want to hear it!" He yelled out loud. This day has already been too much for him to understand what he had just happened, from Danil, to the fight, to his memories, now Tasgal.

He could not get the image of the man he cared for dearly go on his knees with his lips around another man's cock. He felt betrayed and confused. Anger swole up quickly in his chest as the scene played over and over again in his mind.

"How could he..." His face grimaced in pain, tears flowing down the sides. His head began to spin as vertigo took over. He felt his memories drawing him back to remember more and more awful scenes of his past. He made a fist and began hitting himself in the head.

"No! Not now! Please!" He begged, he couldn't experience that again. The fat man, the smell, he just couldn't. His heart beat with increasing haste, as if it too wanted to escape this world.

I should've just let myself get swallowed by the ground! He told himself, regretting the fact that he had avoided death so many times. He would rather be dead than go through that again.

"Everything's a lie, Screech. Everything." Haiden collapsed by the side of the Dining hall doorway.

No. Screech felt everything Haiden was going through. He completely understands his defeatist attitude, but he could not let him give up now. You have power. That is not lie. You have me. No lie. We can search for truth. For both of our truth.

"I already know the truth! I'm a filthy slave. I've never had a Ma or a Pa! They were all lies, created by Danil! He betrayed me! My team with Tasgal, was a lie! He too betrayed me. Who else!?" He shouted.

But why? Screech asked. He wished he could give this answer to Haiden but he did not have it, and neither did Haiden.

"I don't know..." He squeezed his fist, his fingernails dug deep into his right palm, into the scar. A grim reminder of what had happened that awful night, to his companion, Regor. His stomach sank and his eyes bulged. Haiden had made a connection that gutted him. The older man in Tasgal's room had called him a target and Tasgal was spying for him. A target....

"The monsters that came for me, they weren't accidental. Screech. Someone sent them for me. They wanted to get me, but they got Regor instead..." His chin fell to his chest. "He didn't die because I could help him. He died because someone wanted me dead."

Haiden, it's not your fault. Screech tried to comfort the hurting man that now stood crouching and sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't know what else to say but he tried his best. Screech lost someone important too. We can still fight for answers. Screech must find out what happened. But Screech needs Haiden, and Haiden needs Screech. Together.

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