Chapter 5 - Part 2/3

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["It seems you're making it a habit of bringing men in." a familiar voice called from behind in a playful tone. ]

Haiden felt the warm summer breeze blush his cheek as sky blue eyes met his own. The scorching sun heated his ears red with just a flash of Tasgal's boyish smile. It was as if winter had ceased to exist when he saw him awake in that white bed, still partially naked he could not help himself follow the tick trail of dark hair that flowed from Tasgal's chest down to...

"Ah-Hem!" Tasgal faked a cough to grab Haiden's attention.

"Tasgal! Y-you're awake!" Haiden recovered from the daze, pink dusted his cheeks. For the past days that he had been taking care of an unconscious Tasgal, Haiden's unwanted thoughts had been hard to ignore. Yes, he felt responsible for the state of the man, but he couldn't help but be drawn to the powerful aura he had, even while sleeping, Tasgal seemed to exude a certain confidence. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" he asked.

"I'm good. Better than ever, actually. I feel like I slept for two days!" Tasgal said flashing Haiden a smile.

"You... uh... actually slept for four days, Tasgal. Are you sure you're alright?" he said walking to Tasgal's side, pressing a shaky hand on his forehead; taking his temperature. He saw the assistant do this.

He's a bit warm, but not too hot. That's good. he breathed in relief. Tasgal's eyes widened at the unexpected contact, and as soon as they locked eyes both of their heads turned the other direction; Haiden pulling his hand as if he touched an open flame.

"S-sorry. I was just checking your temperature." he quickly added.

"F-four days?!" Tasgal said after he finally processed the information. He had been in the infirmary before with loss of consciousness, but never for this long. "Shit! Istrek will be pissed." he gave an awkward laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. His tousled dark hair was sticking every which way. "I guess I should say thanks. Master Coner, came by earlier and told me what happened. You've repaid your debt, huh?" he said in a quiet voice, unusual for his always happy and confident demeanor. He stared at the wooden floor, examining it carefully. It creaked under Haiden's feet as he constantly shifted his weight on one leg then the other.

"No, I didn't." he finally replied. "It's my fault you weren't paying attention, and my fault you were unconscious for so long. The debt is still on." he said determined.

"It's alright. You don't have to do this, little...ah-uh-Haiden." he quickly corrected himself and gave Haiden an apologetic smile. Haiden's own lips twitched trying to form a smile.

"Listen here, big ninny! I said no!" he snapped. "And I'm not little! Get that through your thick skull." he was thankful for Tasgal's little slip, the awkwardness was becoming unbearable and he needed a change of pace. He hadn't snapped like that in a few days and it was quite relieving.

"Ninny? Damn that old man. Don't be mad at me because you're short. Little guy." Tasgal replied with a raised brow.

"I'm almost as tall as you!" Haiden screamed.

"If by almost you mean not at all, then yes. I tower over you by at least two heads!" Tasgal pulled the white covers off him, revealing a snug pair of white trousers that had replaced his leather ones, and stood on his feet. Haiden, now had to look up at him and glared with furrowed brows. Tasgal's smug boyish smile took over his face in triumph, raising his hand above Haiden.

No, he wouldn't! he thought as Tasgal's hand gently patted his head. Haiden quickly swatted off his hand.

"I could blast you off right where you stand!" he warned.

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