Chapter 23 - part 3

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Haiden avoided all eye contact with Screech after conjuring a sphere of light in his room. Dark shadows elongated across the green walls and across the young Wielder's face making his expression even more severe. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy and awkward, neither of them saying one word. Blue sister's light came down in a spectral cascade over the Academy while the clear sky revealed a sea of bright stars. The grounds were quiet and deserted making the silence in the room even more intense than it should've been.

I forgive. Screech finally said something, breaking the unbearable silence. His round body hovered on the other side across from Haiden. He slowly approached the young man as the substance of his existence pooled over but never trickling down past its deformed appendage.

I really didn't mean it, Screech. I don't know what had gotten into me. Haiden hugged his knees and tucked his face under his arms. He still couldn't look at Screech.

It's alright, Haiden. Screech apologize too. Going back and forth with a scrawny hand, uncertain whether to pat Haiden in comfort once again until finally deciding to do so. Static bounced around Haiden's head. I... he began. I have been regaining me-membreries...uh... memberings...knowings! Screech admitted.

Haiden looked up slowly at the grotesque face that stared back at him. His differently sized eyes made him quite the foul creature but despite his appearance Screech had always meant Haiden's best interest and he never lied. You have? Haiden asked feeling stupid, a pang of jealousy directed at Screech flourished in his heart, but quickly squashed the spiraling emotion.

His own memories of a life beyond the Academy and Regor were resumed to repeating awful nightmares and more feelings than experiences. At this point, he suspected that Danil, the one who had helped him regain the bits and pieces he had now and pushed Haiden to join the Academy, had lied to him. He had told Haiden that if he were to grow as a Wielder he would certainly regain the rest of his memories. Were they just empty words? Was his sole goal recruiting powerful Wielders for the Empire? He asked himself, but he couldn't possibly answer. He did not feel any closer to regaining any information, and from what Screech had sensed within Haiden he knew that his memories were taken, not forgotten - like his. The important question was by whom? Another question for which he had no answer. Haiden finally decided to look up and stop being so self absorbed and try to be happy for his friend.

Of course Screech would start to remember, it was just a matter of time for him.

Screech although could hear Haiden's internal monologue, he ignored it, giving him a perceived intimacy that he knew the young wielder needed. After he was done he answered the question that was first directed to him. I have. Not much. Bits, pieces, mostly places and sometimes even a face. But Screech can never see knowings with names.

Do you know who the faces are to you? Haiden asked intrigued.

Screech shook his head. Only that Screech knows she is important.


Screech vigorously nodded in excitement. Yes. SHE. She fills Screech with something. Something important. Must find her.

Haiden leaned back from Screech's sudden burst of energy. Is that where you keep going? Searching for her?

Screech nodded again. Yes. YES! Must find her. But Screech don't know where. Screech sees places, from memories, but places no more. Places different.

The young wielder's eyes widened as Screech had once told him that he was from a "long time ago. Too long." and decided to see if he could now tell him a more accurate date, maybe he could find out for him what had happened to this woman that's important to him. She probably too is long passed but at least he could help him as an act of atonement for what he had done to the poor creature. You said you were from a long time ago, Screech. Things might have changed a lot since then. Do you remember how long that was?

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