Chapter 18 - Part 2

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Haiden woke up to familiar green walls and a white ceiling. Burnt hazy light spilled almost violently into the room from the single window lending a warming aura to everything it touched. The comfortable bed supported him just right relieving any pressure from his spine. It was almost a perfect morning were it not for the creepy giggle that rang in his ear.

Hit head bad. Screech giggled again. Haiden looked around in the room but he was nowhere to be seen.

What happened? Haiden asked as he groggily sat up, holding his head with both hands. He was still dressed in his uniform, cloak, tunic, breeches. All accounted for.

Fainted! Boom! On ground. The creature appeared from just outside his field of vision. It had a sickening smile on his face. His hollow nose snorted disgustingly as it did a twirl in the air. Finally awake.

Stay put, will you? You're making my headache worse. Everything came back to him. Master Conner, the textbook...Mara. He sighed heavily. I can't keep freaking out every time I go to class.

No. Can't keep freaking out. Screech repeated.

Haiden got up and gave a good stretch, his head still ringing from the fall. He felt around but there was no bump on his head. He pushed back the embarrassment and went to his window to prop it open to let some air in. The sun was ready to set painting the sky in its colors, and a cool breeze washed over him giving him a moment of reprieve from the pain.

"Much better." he whispered to himself.

Well, let's not waste any time. Haiden would much rather have sneaked around to Tasgal's room, but he had the Trials to worry about. He didn't know how much stronger Bras had become during his absence, and he had to be prepared. He had mastered Water Manipulation some time ago as he used it frequently in his sparring matches with Tasgal while Body Armor was put on hold for the moment. It left visible marks on the skin for a few days and Tasgal was getting suspicious and worried. He had managed to get it up 15 inches in diameter and could withstand a kick from Tasgal without even feeling it. Haiden counted it as a success and deemed it was time for a new spell. He reached under the bed and pulled out the book he had stolen from the Headmistress' office. What should we try this time? Screech?

Screech excitedly hovered above Haiden as he sat at his desk that was looking over the window. Flip flip! He said and Haiden began to go through the book, stopping at every spell waiting for Screech to choose. He had promised him he'll let him pick this time. He's just like a child, Haiden mused, but at least Screech gives incredibly good insight on how to use spells. He began to trust the creature more and more. It clearly wanted his well being and if he was completely honest, the green glob had grown on Haiden quite a lot. It was reassuring to have someone talk to even about his deepest of secrets or bounce back ideas and thoughts.

Stop! Stop! It said and Haiden did as it requested. Unlike the other pages of the book, this one seemed pristine. As if the previous owner had not even bothered with the spell and completely glanced over it. Haiden took a moment to read the spell's name and he could see why? It was a useless utility spell.

Farsight? You want me to learn how to create a water lense? Haiden looked at the creature in disbelief. He did not see a good reason for why someone would bother with such a spell. No wonder the previous owner, probably Headmistress Helena, did not even touch these pages.

Yes! Good spell. Good.

How will this help me, Screech? My eyes work just fine. Haiden used his thumb and ring finger to pry open his own eye and show it to Screech. See? His amber gem shone with the warm light of the sunset. Perfect vision.

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