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I felt someone shaking me awake. I moaned, and opened my eyes. I smelled chloroform. I struggled against whoever it was. I tried to Daniel's attention, but it had already hit me.

I heard men laughing and yelling. I was on my side, my hands and feet were tied. I looked around and I was inside a tent, it was mostly empty. I slowly sat up, and looked around for anything to cut the rope when I remembered the daggers that were hidden on me.

I grabbed the one that was inside my boot. I cut the rope that was binding me. I then stood up, walking to the opening of the tent, men and panthers were talking and drinking. Most of the men were drunk around the fire.

Suddenly, I saw the man from my dreams. I froze, he didn't look evil at all. But instead I could feel the power flowing off him. My powers were starting to go crazy, trying to get me out of the tent. I ignored them, and backed away from the gap.

With the dagger I cut the line in the tent, near the back of the tent. I snick through, I started to walk through the woods to get away. When I heard little voices crying and whispering....

I realized that those voices were Jinger and Adde. I walked toward them, they were inside of the tents. I cut through the fabric. I snick into their tent, both of them were red from crying. Smiles sprung onto their faces, and I cut them free.

They then hugged me with all their strength. I helped them through the gap, I had cut. I then lead us through the woods, when I heard the men. They knew we had escaped, we then ran for our lives. "Change into the tigers." They both did, I kneeled down and touched them.

"I'm going to teleport you back to the castle. Tell them I will be fine." I said with smile.

Both of them purred and then they were gone. I then ran with all my strength, I could tell they had found my scent. I head the flowing of water, I ran to it. I kept on running, I was getting close. I was now standing at the edge of a cliff. The panthers were now here, I looked behind me and I saw five panthers staring at me

. The leader of the pack, I was guessing shifted. Before me stood a tall, blonde hair and blue eyed man.

"Well, the little huntress has awoken. Please, don't jump we don't mean you any harm." He said with a chuckle.

"I don't think so..." I took a step back. I heard him yell at the others, but I was already diving off the cliff into the water.

The water was cold, ruff, and fast. I needed air soon if I didn't I would drown. Blackness started to cloud my vision...

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