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I wanted to follow Eve to make sure she was fine. But I knew she would get mad if I did. So instead I went to find my brother. I found him with James and Aaron. They were all practicing their sword play. "Can I join you guys?" They all stopped, and pointed their swords at me.

"Sure..." James said with a grin. I slowly took my sword out and readied myself for the attack. It came quickly, I swerved out of the way and caught Aaron's sword. We continued practicing when I heard a whistle. We all stopped, and it suddenly became really quiet.

"Let's go check it out." Eric said. All of us slowly followed him. As we went around the corner, I saw Jean and Eve standing in front of the men.

Jean stared at us and smiled. "You four come with me!" I looked at Aaron and shrugged my shoulders.

I headed toward them with a smile. She lead us into the woods and explained what we were suppose to do. I just stared at Evangeline, making sure she was okay with this.

She saw me looking at her and she smiled at me. Soon, I was hiding in the bushes, stalking to where Eve was, when I heard a scream. I ran toward her, I growled with anger. Her scent was every where, I stopped and smelt around for her.

When I saw a small baby tiger cub passed out hidden in the bushes. I sniffed the tiger and it's breathing was slow and steady. I pressed my nose up against it's soft fur. I heard it meow, and jump up with a scared and frightened look.

That's when I saw the tiger's eye color, and they were midnight blue. I then realized I was looking at Evangeline.

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