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"But, mommy were not tired..." Adde complained, with a big yawn. Jinger was almost asleep in the King's arms.

"Yes you are." He answered, picking them up in his arms, taking them to bed.

"Good night, everyone." The Queen said.

She then followed them. Eric, Daniel, and I were the only ones left. That's when I felt something in my mind, a voice inside my head.

"Someone help me!" It screamed. I gasped in pain.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked. I looked up at him, and I then felt something take over my body. Everything at once, anger and fear ran through me.

I ran out of the library, down to the stables, outside. Jumping on a horse, not caring for a saddle or rein. My power was in control now, and I was just along for the ride. My power lead me to a couple of houses, which were on fire.

I felt the power fade away, I was in control now. I heard the screaming come from one of the house which was on fire. I saw Daniel and Eric, tigers, coming up behind me. I had to do my job, I ran into the burning house. I heard Daniel scream my name. The heat was over bearing, I felt my dress start to burn. I threw it off, and now I was in a tank top and shorts.

I heard the scream again, it was coming from the closet. I forced it open, a little boy was curled up in a ball. His black hair was covered in soot, and is green eyes stared at me.

"H-Help me..." He whispered. I picked him up in my arms. I put a bubble around him, so he would breath clean air. I made our way to the door, I saw Daniel at the door.

"Eve!" He yelled. I almost made it to him, but the building started to come down. I couldn't see Daniel anymore. I ran back to the closet, and I sat the boy on my lap.

"Are we going to live?" He asked me.

"Yes, we are." I told him. I pushed all my energy into the bubble around him. I felt my body start to shut down. Before, I lost consciousness, I squeezed the boy to me, protecting him...

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