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Carrying Eve to the library, so that I could talk to my mother. Jinger and Adde were also there, reading books with her. I sat Eve down on the ground, shifting.

"Good evening, Daniel. Who is this?" I watched as Eve played with my sisters.

I looked back at my mother. "That's Evangeline, we were helping her train. She was learning about the tiger side. I was stalking or trying to find her when I heard her scream.

Running to her, I found her like this, a tiger cub. I tried to talk to her, but for some reason I can't understand her. So, I came to you to find out if you could help her." I explained to her.

She looked down at the tiger cubs, you could tell which one was Eve. She was the white cub, because my sisters were orange tigers like me.

"Jinger, Adde..." My mother said. They all looked up at us, and they changed. I picked up Eve in my arms, and she started to purr.

"Jinger, Adde can you guys talk to Eve when you were cubs?" Both of them looked up at me.

"Sort of, it's hard to understand some of what she was saying. " Adde explained.

"We can keep her company and try to understand what she is saying, if you want?" Jinger suggested. I looked down at Eve, handing her to them. Jinger took her in her arms.

"Take care of her for me." I said. "

We will!" Both of them said. I watched as they walked out of the library with her. Looking over at James and Eric, and not finding Aaron.

"Where did Aaron go?" I asked. "He went to go check on Tessa." Eric answered.

"Okay, mother we will be right back. Come on, guys!" I said, walking out. They followed me out of the library.

"Where are we going?" James asked. "Were going to go back to the woods. To see if we can get anything that could help us with what happened to Eve." I explained.

Shifting, I ran back to the training yard, to the woods. Stopping when we reached the area where I found Eve in the bushes. Looking around, the others did the same. When I smelt something different, huffing for the others.

They came to my side quickly, "What is it?" I asked. Eric looked at me, sniffing the air.

"It smells like, male cat or some type of creature. It smells like panther." James walked away form us, and then growled for us to come. I walked up to him, and saw claw marks with paw prints. The trail ended suddenly, it disappeared.

I shifted, "Do you know what type of creature this is?" I asked them.

"We don't know, but it feels like something dark." I sighed with frustration.

"Why don't we go ask Aaron if he would know?" James suggested.

"James and Eric, you both go and see Aaron. I am going to go talk to my father." I shifted, we split up.

I watched as they went to Aaron. I went to my father's chambers. I knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in..." He mumbled.

The room was dark and warm. Father was laying on his bed. He looked old, and worn out. I quietly walked to his side of the bed.

"How are you Daniel?" I sighed, "Okay, everything is crazy!" I explained.

He looked at me concerned. "I'll start from the beginning... We got Evangeline back, and she took a couple of days to heal. When she woken up, she went and started training again. Evangeline was working with Jean on her tiger sense. That's when something bad happened. I was suppose to track her and let her go to Jean, but then I heard her scream. I ran to her, finding that she had turned into a tiger cub. So, we don't know how to changed her back. Another problem is that for some reason we can't communicate with each other..." I said with a big sigh.

I then put my head on the bed. "Daniel, look at me. "

Looking up at him. "You can not give up... I know you can face this. Also, I may know a person that can help her. First off, it will be a long journey to her. Take Eric and James with you. Find your mother and giver her this letter. It's in the night stand next to you." My father said, I opened the draw finding the letter.

"Thank you, father." He nodded his head, slowly falling back asleep.

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