Meeting the King and Queen

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I awoke with someone patting a wet cloth on my face. I opened my eyes, Jean looked at me with relief.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"For some reason your power took over, and it healed everyone in the building. You know you could of killed yourself. All of your strength goes into your gift, when you don't have strength you can't heal. When your body relaxed, you passed out. Some of the nurses helped me bring you back to the castle." Jean explained to me.

I looked around and I was in my room. I slowly sat up, standing. I realized I had my strength back.

"You better get changed to go see the King and Queen for dinner in their private library." Jean said.

She walked into the closet, I followed her. Jean picked a long gown, flowing at the bottom. It was the color of my eyes, midnight blue. I was shocked it was so beautiful. Jean helped me into it, it fit perfectly on me. I then slipped my silver heels on. We then went into the bathroom to do my hair.

Jean curled my hair, it took a long time. I really needed a hair cut since my hair grew out down past my waist. Soon, we were done. Jean lead me out of the room and lead me down hallways. Guards stood at a door, Jean stopped at the door with the guards. One of them opened the door. Jean just stood there, I looked back.

She nodded her head, I knew I was now on my own. My heels clicked on the wooden floor, everywhere were shelves of books I had never seen before. I heard people talking and laughing. I looked around one of bookshelves, I saw Daniel and Eric sitting down next to each other, Jinger and Adde sitting next to their mother, the Queen. She looked like Jinger, blonde hair and blue eye.

The King was standing next to the fireplace which was going. He looked like Daniel, brown hair but with a little gray and soft brown eyes. I grew a little nervous, I stood there watching. When Daniel started to walk toward me. I hide behind the shelf, Daniel came around and smiled at me.

I smiled back at him, "You okay?" He asked me.

I sighed, "I'm just a little nervous."

He laughed a little, he then grabbed my hands and started to walk me toward where his family were. I put a smile on my face, Jinger and Adde ran over, giving me a hug.

I crouched down, "Mommy, this is Eve!"

They said and ran over to the Queen. The Queen stood up and walked over to me.

"It is so nice to meed you, Evangeline. I have heard so many nice things about you." She told me, grabbing me into a hug.

She lead me to the couch, where she was just sitting. I sat down next to her, "Evangeline, is it?" The King said.

I looked up at him, "Yes, your majesty." I answered.

Daniel sat back down next to Eric. "I heard you are the newest healer to join the group. Jean has told me, you did something great down at the Chapel. You healed everyone at the church. I thank you for that. I welcome you to the castle, if you need anything please just ask." He told me with a welcoming smile.

"It was nothing, and thank you for being so kind to me." I said.

Soon, dinner came and we all ate...

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