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I awoke with old ladies surrounding me.

I looked at all of them, "Hello, can I get some space, please!" I asked.

All of them took a step back but they were still staring at me.

"Hello, my dear... We are the Healers of Shifter's, the best in the world. You are here because we are going to train you to become the best of them all." They all helped me get dressed into a golden dress, it sparkled in the light of the sun.

It wasn't to tight on me, fitted just right to let it flow. "If you would please come to classes after lunch everyday so we can work with you." I nodded my head.

They smiled and were gone in a blink of an eye. I sighed and walked down the hallway. To the right was a door, it was wide open. I looked out and saw Daniel and baby tigers. I laughed and walked over to them. I stood a couple of feet away so I wouldn't get in the way. But Daniel saw me, he started to walk to me when he was tackled. I smiled and laughed.

He got up again and changed, "Hi." I said. He smiled, "Hi, how are you doing?" He asked.

" I am fine. But where are we exactly?" That's when the little baby cubs became little girls.

"You're at our castle, the King and Queen live here, they are our mommy and daddy. We do too, with our big brothers." One of them said.

I stared at Daniel, he laughed. "These are my sisters, Jinger and Adde."

I nodded, "Well it is very nice meeting you both. Do you girls think you could show me where I can find myself some lunch?" I asked them.

Both of them grew excited, they each grabbed one of my hands, leading me to the dining hall. Daniel followed behind us. We walked into a big hall, people were everywhere, eating and talking.

We grabbed some food and sat down. "So... Daniel have you ever met the group of healers?" I asked.

"No, I haven't. My parents have of course, but I think Jinger and Adde have." I looked at them, they smiled.

"We have, we go there after lunch sometimes and garden with them." Jinger said.

"So, do you know where they live, or hang out?" Both of them nodded, "Do you thing you can show me where they go after lunch?" I asked.

"Yep, today we are going to garden with them again." Adde said, speaking up this time.

"Why are you wanting to go to the healers, already?" Daniel said.

"They want me to start training today." He looked at me, shocked.

"Well, when your done. Please come to the library to have dinner with my parents. They really want to meet you." I nodded, and stood up.

"We better get going, Jinger, Adde." Jinger and Adde then lead me out the doors, to a magical garden.

Everything was beautiful, I saw the group of healers sitting on benches around the garden. The oldest one of the all, walked toward me.

"Hello, my dear... I am Jean, the leader of this group. I am here to be your mentor until you are ready. Please follow me, today you are going to learn how to heal correctly. I heard that you healed your friends, but you got hurt, and you weren't healing. Why is that, Evangeline?" She asked as she lead me to a different area of the garden.

"I don't know... Something just, inside me took over. I felt the energy inside go through me, telling my hands to heal them. I had a feeling to protect them with my life and nothing else matter except that, not even my own life." I explained to her.

She smiled at me. "That is all I need to hear for now. Let's go to the town's clinic. Maybe, we can see what you can do."

We walked out of the gardens and to the stables. Two horses were already waiting for us. I climbed on, with my dress, and I had to sit side saddle. It brought back memories of my princess life. I followed Jean down the road Jean was a good rider for her age.

People were walking down the road. The town was very busy, people selling items. We stopped at a big chapel building. A sign was next to the door, Hope Church. I slide off my horse, and walked her to the post. Jean and I walked to the Chapel doors.

A old man came up to us, "Hello, Lady Jean, we are glad you have come today. And who is this, young lady?"

He asked and looked at me. "This is Evangeline, she is my apprentice." Jean answered him.

"Well, I'm Pastor John, we are glad you are here to see the festival this year." I looked at Jean confused. "I will tell you later. We better get those kids." We said good-bye to Pastor John.

I followed Jean down to the basement where the clinic was. I could smell the sickness and hear people coughing. Jean opened the door, people were everywhere. I gasped nurses were walking around to helping the patients.

"Evangeline, with your power you can help these people. Just watch me." She kneeled down, pressing her hand on his head, then slowly going down his body. His breathing went to normal and he opened his eyes.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Jean stood up and walked to another patient. This time it was my turn, I did what she showed me. His breathing went to normal, Jean left me to go see other patients.

I was left in the room with all these sick patients. I felt something inside me start to grow. I went into some kind of state. I spread my hands out, realizing I was healing everyone. Sweat was running down my face. I pushed my powers to make them stronger.

I heard someone yell my name. I ignored them, and that's when Jean was now holding my face in her hands.

"Evangeline, you need to let go of the energy. Look around they are all healed. You are going to hurt yourself if you don't stop, and a lot more people need you to live." She said.

I told myself everyone was alright, and I felt my body relax....

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