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I watch as the senior boys jump and run, playing football. All of them are covered in sweat but none seem to mind. I have never understood the fun in football. All you do is run and run and run and chase after a ball. Not to mention tackle and shove each other on the way. Who in their right mind would want to run? Who likes running? 

I don't understand people.

I peel my eyes away from them and focus on a girl sitting against a tree with her belongings scattered around her in the shade. It seems like she is listening to music as she moves her head side to side with the earphones in her ears, and jotting down something in her notebook. 

Sometimes I wonder what is going on with people's lives. Are they happy with it? Or do they want to swap it with someone else? Are they breaking down inside while keeping a smile on their face?

"....any problem? You've been zoning out a lot today." I manage to catch the last few words my English Lit professor (whom I forgot the name of) says as the girl in front of me shakes my desk to get my attention.

I look at him as he waits for an answer. I clear my throat a little. "Uh, I am sorry Sir. It won't happen again."

He raises an eyebrow, "You said the same last time."

I breathe in oxygen. "I really mean it this time."

If he says I said the same thing last time again, I will jump out and escape from the window beside me.

Thankfully he doesn't, saving me from something I wasn't even going to do. Mainly because I'm that lazy and I don't have that much guts to go through with it.

The Professor whose name I still haven't remembered nods lightly before continuing the lesson. I notice some of my classmates still looking at me so I glare at them and they look away abruptly.

My phone vibrates in my coat. With my eyes trained on the professor, I take it out and hold it behind my desk. Satisfied he won't catch me, I glance at it to see the notification. I sigh and unlock it before checking out the message. 

Immediately I put my palm on my mouth to quiet down the snort that left me as soon as I saw the meme Layla sent to our group. Typical Layla.

I type a quick reply and send it. A second later, another reply comes which is from Noora.

If you disturb me again with your stupid memes, I'll come to your class and break your phone.

How dare you call my memes stupid?! Noorie I thought I knew you better than that! T-T

You do realize she isn't gonna reply to you anytime soon now, right?

Yeah, I know. It's Noora after all. 
I'm just really bored. This chemistry class is making me go insane.

It is chemistry after all. And you need to focus on the class if you want to pass.

Look who's talking.

I grin and put my phone back in my coat just as the professor turns around and looks at me.

That was close.

Sighing I hold my pen and start copying down the notes. 

I really like English Lit, I do. But sometimes, I am in no mood to study and today is unfortunately that day. Still, I push myself to work. I need to graduate from this college.

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