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A man with dark brown straight hair and grey eyes stares back at me. He gives me a smile - a dimpled smile - and crouches down beside me.

I shake my head mentally. "Oh, it's completely fine. I can handle it, thank you."

He picks up a few books and arrange them one over another as he looks at me. "Well, the reaction that I witnessed didn't really match your words just now." He grins. "It's okay, I'm happy to help."

I blush a little in embarrassment but stay quiet. I mean, I really could use some help.

Once we are successful in shoving everything in my locker, I slam it shut and turn to the guy.

"Thank you," I smile gratefully.

"No problem." He puts his hands in his jeans pocket. "I'm Aaryan Zahid."

"I'm Insha Azeez. Nice to meet you."

"Feeling's mutual."

"So, are you new or something?" I question. I haven't seen him before, but then again, it's not like I have seen all the students in this college.

He nods. "Yeah, I'm new. I joined last week."

"Oh I see." I look towards the main door and then back at him. "Well, thanks for your help. See you around."

"You too, Insha." His eyes crinkle and his dimple is on full display.

"Bye!" I wave and walk off.


"Two more bodies found! We were just informed about the murder of two more victims!"

I stare at the TV in front.

"It seems like the killer(s) strike again! Two more people are dead. The police have revealed the cause of death to be the same as others - torture. The victims have been identified. Saad Hassan and Abid Ahsan. These two individuals belonged to an upper middle class background and they were known to be friends."

My heart is sinking. The world around me is a blur.

"The police have found a clue regarding this serial killing case. Seemingly, the culprits are targeting the upper middle class households. Can this be a case of extortion? Or is this just a passion for murder? Do keep following Star News to catch the latest news about the serial killers loose in our city.

"As always, we request everyone to be on alert and cautious of your surroundings. We understand all your concerns and complaints about the police's incompetence to catch the killers but please refrain from these comments. They are doing their best to throw the culprits behind bars."

I turn off the TV and with shaky steps go to bed.

More victims. More deaths.

Allah, what do I do? I don't know if my video would be of any help but that's exactly the point. I'm not even making any effort to find out.

I care more about my life than about the numerous others.

I close my eyes, a tear escaping and absorbing in the pillow.

I look around, running, panting. Where am I? Why isn't there anyone around? I look up at the sky. It's dark, coated with black clouds. I look at my hands. Droplets of water touch my skin.

It's raining.

I hear footsteps from behind. No one's there. Only trees surround me. Endless field of trees.

Why am I here?

I take a step but my body jerks forward. I look down and my eyes turn horrifed when I see blood surrounding my stomach. Dark red blood is oozing out and I feel myself falling.

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