N i n e ~ p a r t o n e

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A/N: As seen, the book's name has been changed. From A Game of Trust, it's now A Game of Obsession and Trust. I believe this fits more as per the storyline.

I walk through the hallways during lunch, moving aside every few seconds to let others pass. I finally let out a sigh of relief when I enter the backside of the college and spot my three girls there.

"Here you are," Layla voices out as I settle down.

They all look tense, and me, even more so. The breaking news.

I turn to Manal. "You didn't show up in the first few classes. Everything alright?"

She looks up at me, trying to form an answer. What's with her lately? Why is she acting so... lost and not like herself?

"Oh, yes, everything's fine." She waves it off, but, I'm not letting it go today.

"Don't lie to me, Manal. I know something's up. Tell us, it's okay." I give her a comforting smile while from the inside, I'm anything but.

All three of us look at her, waiting for her to answer. She sighs, "Seriously, it's not that big of a deal. It's just my father... He is facing some problems in his workplace so... his mood everyday, it's sour most of the time," She looks down at her hands, "and that's leading him and my mom to fight and all. It's silly. He'll get over it. It's fine."

I immediately hug her, Layla and Noora joining in. Of course it wasn't fine. If it was, she wouldn't be looking so distraught and tensed. I feel bad because all this time, I've been so absorbed in my own problems that I don't notice when my friends are going through something. I'm such a bad friend.

I'm such a bad person.

"Manny, it's not silly." Layla pats her shoulder.

"Exactly. No problem is silly, Manal. You do not have to pretend to be fine for us. We're your friends, share with us what's bothering you." I say in a whisper.

We break the hug and Noora reaches for Manal hands. "Manal, we know you're strong. But you don't have to be strong all the time. And don't worry, there are all kinds of phases in life you have to go through. Nothing's constant. You'll see, everything will settle down in your father's workplace." She gives a hopeful and bright smile. "And he'll be back to his usual self in no time. Hmm?"

Manal stares at all of us, and I see water forming in her eyes. "Manal! Don't tell me you're-"

"No! I'm not! I'm not crying," She cuts me off, sniffling and laughing.

Noora gasps. "Oh my Allah! I can't believe that Manal, out of all people, is crying! Am I going to die?" She looks around terrified.

Manal smacks her head. "You're so dramatic. Don't ever tell anyone about me crying okay? Or else, you really will die!" She playfully threatens us.

We laugh and I squeeze her arm. "Don't stress. Just have faith in Allah. Everything will fall into place."

She smiles gratefully and nods. Then it looks like she remembers something and says, "the breaking news yesterday. You all saw it right?"

My smile falls off. I knew this was coming. We couldn't talk about it since we all had a lot of work to do in class and well, Manal came in late.

"Yeah. Why aren't they doing anything to catch them?!" Noora asks, outraged.

I shrug my shoulders, my body tensing up. "I don't know. They've been declared as serial killers. I can't believe it. The murder occurred most probably when we were there at the mall." I rub my arms. "I feel goosebumps, thinking about it."

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