S e v e n

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"Has he gone crazy?!" Noora exclaims in anger.

Manal strides back and forth. "He has.
He certainly has. No sane person could do something like that!" She places a hand on her forehead, shocked by the whole thing.

Layla hugs me tightly, rubbing and drawing soothing circles on my back. My tears keep flowing.

I really thought I was going to die. I thought they found me.

"I can't believe he did this," Layla says quietly while I cry in her arms. "I'm sorry Insha, I shouldn't have left you to receive a phone call. It's all my fault."

My arms wrap tightly around her shoulders, I mumble, "It wasn't your fault. It was his."

Manal and Noora sit down beside us, fuming in anger.

"I'm gonna teach that jerk a lesson. Ugh! I feel like punching him right now!"

Noora places her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Inshu. We told you to give him a chance. We should've let it go when you said you felt weird about him. We're sorry."

I pull back from the hug, calming down. "Guys, come on. It's not your fault, please don't blame yourselves. I'm going to feel even worse if you do."

Layla tucks a strand behind my hair, "stay away from him now, okay?"

I look down, playing with my fingers. I liked him when he was nice and playful and friendly. Everything would have been so much better if he was always like that.

I look at my friends. "Yeah, I'll stay away from him now."

"Let's go for some ice cream now! To cheer you up, darling." Manal suggests, excitedly.

I gulp hearing the word. The way he said that, it was like he was going to harm me. I shiver, shaking my head.

"I just want to go home for now." I sigh.

"Noo, come on, ice cream will brighten up your mood in a second," Layla persists, grabbing my upper arm, the same area, and I flinch. She notices. "What's wrong? I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?"

I may have ommitted the detail that he had held my arms a little too tightly.

I force a smile, waving it off. "Nah, your touch is like a feather," I laugh.

She smiles and soon we walk towards Noora's car.

My house comes in view and turn to them. "How are we going to text now? My phone has been destroyed." My anger rises as I recall what happened. I really want to kill him. He had the audacity of calling it a prank when he quite literally smashed my phone in pieces.

Noora slaps the steering wheel in anger. "That moron, I'll kill him. Just thinking about him makes me murderous."

Manal makes a sound of approval. "My hands are itching to destroy his face."

Layla looks angry too but she tries to calm me down, "Don't worry, for now we can use our group on Instagram to chat. Until you get a new phone, you have to make do with your laptop."

I huff in annoyance. I hate him.

Saying salaams, I get out of the car and head inside. I make a beeline towards my bed and lie face first on the mattress. A second later, my scream of anger, scream of annoyance, scream of helplessness and scream of hurt, all of them are muffled by the pillow.

My phone. How do I function without my phone. I have to ask my parents to insert some of their money because as of now, I don't think my savings can be enough to buy a new phone.

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