T h r e e

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I sit still, shocked with tear staining my whole face. No matter what I do, I can't get that horrendous act out of my mind.

"Please Insha, tell us what happened. You're scaring us," I hear Layla's pleading voice. I feel a hand on my shoulder but don't respond.

How do I tell them everything thst happened, when even I can't come to terms with it? When even I can't believe something like that actually happened.

Those poor souls. The pain they had to go through. The torture they were subjected to.

A tear escapes my eye. Their families, their loved ones, what would they be thinking? Do they even know what happened?

Someone shakes my shoulders tightly. "Insha! What's wrong with you?" I look up at Manal, fear enveloping my whole being. Her eyes soften more and she squeezes my hand. "Tell us what's wrong. Please."

I sigh, climbing further until I reach the back of my bed.

After what I witnessed, I begged Noora to drop me home and she then called the two too. They were confused and worried out of their minds because I just couldn't say anything

I finally gather up the courage to reach for my phone. With my jeart beating rapidly, I click on that spine chilling video and gave it to them.

I watch their expressions range from shock to concern and disgust to heartbroken and fear.

They slowly look up and just stare. Stare with terrified eyes.

With shaking hands, Noora comes closer to sit beside me. "Are you okay?" She seems so worried and concerned and I hate that she's feeling that but I don't know what to do.

Another tear escapes. "No." My voice comes out low and painful. "They didn't deserve that. No one does." I take a deep breath. "I recorded the whole...thing accidentally. I didn't know it was on."

Quietly, all of them come to my side and engulf me in a warm hug.

"It's going to be fine. Just hang on, for us." Layla whispers.


I drag myself up forcefully and throw myself in the shower. I don't want to go to college. I just want to lay in bed like I have been doing since yesterday.

The three came to check on me yesterday too and we just existed together. I still didn't have the ability to find words and they didn't mind.

Now, it's Monday again and if I tell my parents I don't want to go to college, they will ask what's up and I honestly don't want them to know. It will only make them worry more than they already will be, considering how those criminals already know someone saw that and that someone is a girl.

Hence, I gave up on that.

After showering, I slip into black tights and a black hoodie, both of which my hand found first as I had no energy to do anything.

Making myself presentable as much as I can, I grab my bag and my phone; the latter feeling like a bomb in my hands.

The video is still there, both on my phone and on my mind. Whenever that night comes to my mind again, I do anything to make it fade but it doesn't. It's hard and I don't know what to do. How long should I keep pretending that everything is fine?

I say a quick salaam to my parents and Safeer before opening the door-mom asks me to eat something but I decline saying I told Noorie to buy me coffee-and entering the car.

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