E l e v e n

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"Yeah, we did." I reply, giving a smile.

"You look in a good mood today." Aaryan comments in a teasing tone.

I remember our first encounter and laugh lightly. "I'm always in a good mood. What you saw that day was a malfunction." I shrug. "Either from my part or the locker's."

He chuckles a little, shaking his head. The Professor walks in and everybody quiets down.

While he starts teaching and assigning us with questions, Aaryan speaks up again. "Hey, sorry to disturb, but can you help with this question?" He puts his finger on his notebook.

I read the question and nod. "Yeah, sure. We learned the basics of this some day last week."

"It's just I may have joined a little late so kind of struggling to keep up."

I wave my hands at him and give him a reassuring smile. "Don't stress, you'll get the hang of it soon. In this subject, it's mainly theory and I'm sure that won't be a problem for you; it isn't for many." I look in his grey eyes, "And besides, feel free to ask me whenever you're stuck. I may not be a pro but I may be of help still."

Aaryan's lips stretches in a genuine smile and the damn dimples blind me.

Dimples. Dimples equals to weakness.

"Thanks alot!" He expresses with a bright tone, his eyes beaming at me. "You're very sweet and really helpful."

I involuntarily blush a little. "Haha thanks. Not a big deal."

I start explaining him the question and give him an overview of the answer structure when I look at the door of the classroom.

I felt somebody watching me.

I throw a glance at the back door too just in case but there is no one. My eyes narrow in thought and suspicion. I really did feel someone watching me throughout. I look around the classroom and everyone was busy doing their work.

"Insha? Everything okay?" Aaryan inquires with concern.

I bring my eyes back to him and force a smile. "Yeah, it's nothing." He looks like he wants to probe further but before he could, I focus back on my work.

I grip my pen tightly when I feel it again. My head snaps towards all directions; windows, doors, students. No one.

The hairs on my back stand up. I swallow a lump, trying to appear calm so as to not alert Aaryan of my behaviour.

If there's no one, why do I feel eyes on me?

I tuck a strands behind my ear with shaky hands.

I remember the nightmare.

Get a grip, Insha. They are not going to just magically appear in a college.

I'm just paranoid. There's no one.


"I'm still salty about what you did, just to be clear." Noora huffs childishly, her fingers jotting down notes in lightening speed.

"Oh, come on!" I whine in annoyance. "I'm sorry! It was just once."

She turns to me. "Once? Zayan is the one who you've been around mostly. And do tell me, dear Insha, why couldn't your 'amazing' friend Zayan walk with us too? Did he think we'll bite him or kill him if he tried to hang out with us?" I look at her in surprise. I did not expect this little outburst. Her eyebrow raises as something dawns on her. "Or maybe, he just doesn't want to hang out with us at all because he doesn't like us. He just wants to be with you." She states crossing her arms, skepticism clouding her features.

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