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Their favorite thing to do with you: William likes reading with you, and he especially likes when you rest your head on his chest

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Their favorite thing to do with you: William likes reading with you, and he especially likes when you rest your head on his chest. He likes to stroke your head while he reads, and sometimes he will read out loud to you, in a soft voice, almost like a whisper. William loves the sight of you sleeping, since you look really peaceful and you look like an angel to him.

Their favorite thing about you: One thing that he absolutely loves about you, and the thing that stands out to him the most is your intelligence. After all, that's what caught his attention at the very beginning. For him, it's interesting to talk to you, and having the chance to talk to someone with a mind as advanced as himself is rare. One of the many reasons he cherishes every moment with you. 

One of their flaws: Since he's really busy, you don't get to spend much time with him as you would like. Since he teaches at the university, and he works as a crime consultant. One other thing is he has to keep a lot of secrets from you, and it sometimes makes you sad to think that he might be hiding something from you. However, he's just doing that to protect you, and to protect himself.

Random Headcanon: He enjoys resting his head against your shoulders when he takes a nap, and secretly loves it when you run your hand through his hair. Just you being near him helps him sleep much better. 

What nickname he likes to call you: My love, Beloved

What he likes to do on dates: He likes to invite you over to his lectures, and likes spending times with you in libraries, doing anything intellectual. He also loves having philosophical conversations with you, and finds talking to you very interesting. You never cease to amaze him with your words. He likes going more private and secluded and calming places on your dates, since he likes the idea of being alone with you. Sometimes, to spend time with each other, you will lay your head on his chest or shoulders, as he reads his books, or goes through more paperwork.

Their favorite thing to do with you: You both love to cook together, and sometimes you like to help him clean up too

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Their favorite thing to do with you: You both love to cook together, and sometimes you like to help him clean up too. Even though you're a simple maid, you find that you really enjoy your job with Louis. 

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