Mycroft Holmes

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Here's Mycroft's chapter! Let me know if I messed anything up :P 

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How you Meet

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Mycroft never thought that he'd fall in love. He thought love was merely a useless distraction. He tended to distance himself from everyone because he didn't think it was necessary. 

That changed when he met you. He couldn't figure out why he found you particularly interesting, but he had a feeling that he should get to know you. 

During the afternoon, Mycroft stepped out of his carriage, heading down the street to meet up with someone of importance. And there you were, walking down the sidewalk. You were looking intently at a sheet of paper, causing you not to see the man standing right there. 

You bumped into him by accident, almost falling over. You were surprised to see such a tall, handsome man in front of you. He helped you up, and you started by apologizing a hundred times. "Please forgive me, sir, I'm so sorry" You kept saying, feeling embarrassed. 

Mycroft just let out a deep chuckle, "It's nothing to worry about, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself." 

He noticed the paper you were holding was a map of the many streets in London. The map was almost incomprehensible. "Hm, do you need directions?" He asked, intuitively knowing that you were lost. 

"Truthfully, I think I took a wrong turn somewhere. I need to meet a friend right here," You said as you pointed to a small location on the map. 

Mycroft nodded. "It's not too far from here. You can get there by walking straight down the street, turn to the left, and after a few more blocks, head to the right once you get to the intersection." He explained. 

You tilted your head trying to understand the directions. Seeing the look of confusion on your face, he sighed. "How about I accompany you there personally. That way, you won't get lost again." He suggested.  

You shook your head. "I don't want to bother you, sir. I can get there myself!" 

"It's not a bother at all. I'm headed in the same direction." He smiled, insisting to show you the directions personally. You finally agreed and on the way, the two of you engaged in small talk and later exchanged names. 

When you did reach your destination, you thanked him for his help and left. Mycroft did feel reluctant to leave you so soon, he would have loved to stay and talk more with you. 

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