Chapter 18

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By the time the final bell signaling the end of the school day rang, Amber had succeeded it making me regret my harsh words to her the night before. .

I hadn't been able to help myself at the time. The thought of her finding out what was down there. What the others would do to keep our secret. It had filled me with terror. And I had reacted....badly.

Now I was suffering for it.

All day I had been stuck behind Amber and her boyfriend, watching as she flirted. Typically, she never acted that into her Ken doll. And some times I could even get it into my head that they were just friends.

Not today....

Today, she made a point of touching his arm every five seconds, laughing at everything that came out of his mouth. She even went so far as to lean in and whisper in his ear, toying with a piece of the blond hair at his neck.

It was torture to witness. And I knew she was doing it just to get to me. This was my payback for my parting words to her.

And tonight, while I watched from the sidelines, she would be dancing with her Ken.

The suite and tie that I had hung on my closest the night before silently mocked me.

When officials had learned of our invite to the school dance they had rounded up outfits for everyone to choose from. I hadn't cared much as long as it fit. Where as Zeke had tried on every style available before settling on something that looked like it was from a James Bond flick. Surprisingly, he was able to pull off the look. Mine was a simple black suit and tie, even the button up dress shirt was black.

I should back out. Tell Kelly to forget it and find a human date. As I sat in my pod watching the time until my next round of torture ticked down. Not a single part of me wanted to go.

Plus, I wasn't entirely sure it was safe for me to go. I had only just managed to rein in my anger, waiting until I could escape to the gym here at the compound to take my rage out on a punching bag that ended up suffering an irreparable hole in the casing.

What if when I saw the perfect couple together I couldn't hold back? When I thought of Amber, my whole being reacted as though she were mine. I wasn't sure how I would react to more of her and Brad together.

Or worse, what if a human did something stupid and someone else retaliated? If I could barely control myself how could I be expected to control those under me tonight?

Decision made, I stood up fully prepared to go to the officials and cancel the whole thing. Then my pod door slid open and Zeke and Zeena walked in.

I've grown up with Zeena my whole life and never once have I seen her in a dress. She was way too committed to her emo goth girl look, always wearing dark jeans paired with black or gray shirts. Today, I barely recognized her.

"Don't look at me like that." Zeena snapped.

I quickly snapped my jaw closed from where it had fallen open. "What? I'm not looking at you any certain way."

"Shut up." She frowned, throwing an elbow into Zeke's side when he started snickering beside her.

"What? You look great." I wasn't lying. If she wasn't like a sister to me I may even go so far as to say she looked hot.

"The other's forced this on me." She pulled at the hemline of her short red dress, clearly uncomfortable with showing so much leg. "Said I needed to look the part of a human at homecoming. It's complete bullshit."

"I don't think I could have picked a more stunning date." Zeke forced Zeena into a twirl.

"You do look gorgeous Zeena. That dress almost makes up for the fact your date looks like a James Bond wannabe." I had to admit the two looked good standing together in their formal wear. They looked younger than we had ever been allowed to be on this compound. They looked happy, despite Zeenas complaints.

"I'm looking better than you big bro." Zeke observed, taking in my jeans and t-shirt look. No doubt my hair was also standing on end from running my hands through it over and over again today in my frustration.

"Yeah why aren't you in your monkey suit yet?" Zeena flounced over to the closet where my suit was hanging. "Don't tell me you're backing out. I did not spend this long on my hair for nothing." She snapped when she saw the look on my face.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to go."

"You're just pouting because you don't get to take your princess." Zeena immediately called me out on my bullshit.

"If you don't go with that Kelly girl, I doubt the others will want us there." Zeke looked like a kicked puppy, he didn't even attempt to hide the disappointment on his face.

"I just can't do it..."

"Man..." Zeke pulled at his bowtie so it now hung on his neck in dejection. "First I couldn't go to the game, now the dance too. What's the point in going to that school anyways?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Oh shut it, Alek." Zeena had finally had enough. "How about you grow a pair, put on the stupid outfit and let's go."

She snatched the suit off the door and threw it at my chest. "I don't care if I have to dress you myself and drag you there. You are going."


I had been planning out this exact moment for years. Down to the exact detail, the way some girls fantasized about their wedding day.

The day I would walk out onto the football field during homecoming halftime and get my crown.

It was all going according to plan. I was able to leave the cheer leading sidelines in time to redo my hair and donned my sash. I had my two best friends by my side, even if one was only now starting to talk to me again. And I had the quarterback on my arm, leading me to the middle of the field.

It was all going perfect...

"And you're homecoming queen and king are..." The announcer paused dramatically.

My smile was in place...

"Miss Amber Starkey and Mr. Bradly Cooper."

The crowd cheered. The crown was on my head, flowers in my arms.

Everything was just as I had always planned, as I accepted congratulations and was handed up onto a convertible that would drive us around the stadium. Brad was at my side.

Everything was perfect. It was the exact moment I had always pictured in my mind.

So then why wasn't I happy...

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