Chapter 6

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"You know, you could look even a little bit excited about this." One of my closest friends, Zeena poked me in the side with a sharp fingernail. This only resulted in causing me to scowl harder at her, as we waited to board the black, government issued bus that would take us to and from the school each day.

"I can't believe you actually think this is going to be a good thing." I pulled awkwardly at the government issued polo shirt I was forced to wear. I already missed my normal t-shirt and jeans.

"At least someone is excited." She nodded her head to indicate someone behind me. I didn't even have to look to know who she meant. I could hear him clearly from yards away.

Zeke was ecstatic to finally have permission to join the humans. He was currently regaling anyone who would listen about all the sports teams he planned to join. He seemed particularly fascinated with the prospect of a sport called football, which made no since to me as you used your hands, not your feet, to maneuver the ball. I didn't want to be the one to break it to him that it wasn't likely that he would be allowed to join any teams.

"Alright, let's start loading up." A heavy set guard stepped off the bus and started shouting directions. Before loading us in, one at a time, our bags were quickly searched and our tracking bands checked to make sure they were functioning correctly. Once satisfied, we were allowed access onto the bus where we scuffled for seats.

I ended up smashed into a window seat, as Zeena took up space in Zeke's lap beside me. I just rolled my eyes as they shamelessly flirted. I knew there was nothing going on between the two but it was still awkward to have to watch.

Once all fifty of us were packed in like sardines, with the bus only having enough seating room for about half of us, we were finally on our way.

Excited chatter erupted all around us, drowning out my thoughts, as I watch the scenery outside my window.

When we cleared the boarder wall and cheers rang out around me, I couldn't hold in my groan. I stuffed air pods in my ears and cranked up the volume. My efforts were futile, however, as they were just as quickly plucked out.

"What the hell?"I demanded, turning to face the culprit.

"I was just telling Zeena here, that I'm surprised you're not more excited for today."

"Why would I be more excited?"

"Well, you know you will probably get to see your girl today." Zeke grinned as he brought up his new favorite topic. Since we saw the girl on the beach and he saw my reaction to her, I was constantly dodging his questions. As it was, I was having a hard enough time not thinking about her every waking moment. I didn't need his reminders.

Of course, Zeena's attention was immediately sparked. "What are you talking about? What girl?"

I looked around discreetly to make sure no one was listening in before answering. Luckily, everyone was already deep in excited chatter with their seat mates to be bothered with eaves dropping on our conversations.

"It's nothing. Just some girl we saw when we went to the beach yesterday."I lied.

"I can tell by the look on your face that it's more than that." Zeena had known Zeke and I since we were babies, with my parents acting as stand in parents for her, and could always call us out on our shit.

I glared over at Zeke, pissed that he had to bring up the topic.

"You should have seen Aleks reaction. I mean this girl was smoking hot, I'll give him that," Why'd the idea of my brother finding 'the girl' attractive make me want to punch him in the face to shut him up? I actually found that my hands were balled into tight fists that I quickly shook out before anyone noticed.

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