Chapter 32

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As I paced the perimeter of my beach, I should have been counting down the seconds until Amber arrived. Excited to see my girl again..

Instead, I was praying for more time.

More time to formulate what to say to her. How to explain this situation? But who was I kidding, she was human. There was no way she would understand the mess I was in. Heck, I didn't even understand it.

My day had started out normal enough. I had been preparing to board the bus to head to another long day at school, when I was pulled to my father's office.

"What's going on?" I had asked, when I was again seated across from his intimidating form. "I'm not sure the bus is going to wait for me." I looked to my watch to find that if I didn't leave now there was no way I would make it in time.

"You're not going to school today." He barely spared a glance my way as he pulled up a hologram projection. Looking at something I couldn't see from my seat. "I'm going to need your help with preparations, while I handle the human authorities."

"What's going on?" If dad was pulling me to help, this had to be something major.

Before he could even answer, the door to his office slid open and my still very pregnant mother strutted in.

Being pregnant she naturally had a healthy glow that normally emitted from her. Today however, was different. She was beaming. Smiling from ear to ear in a way I had never seen from her before.

She had her hands clasped together in from of her, and was bouncing on her feet with excitement. "Have you told him yet?"

"Told me what?" I had turned back to my father. Needing an answer as to what was going on.

The sound of a roaring jet ski engine in the distance, brought me back to my present situation.

I knew it would be her before she even appeared around the bend. I knew by the picking up of the speed of my heart as my body reacted to her presence. I wasn't ready for this. I still had no clue what I was going to say to her. How to explain.

As she approached the beach on a jet ski she must have borrowed from Lindsey, the smile on her face transformed her.

She still had a sickly hue that I didn't like, and the sundress she wore hung on her thinned frame. But she looked radiant to me.

"I'm free." She exclaimed, jumping into my arms as soon as she had turned the engine off.

I allowed myself to enjoy this one last moment of having her in my arms. She had her arms wrapped around my neck. I hoisted her tiny body just a little bit closer, burrowing my head into her thick mane of hair. I inhaled her vanilla and cinnamon scent, knowing those scents would forever remind me of her.

I wanted to hold on to this moment forever. Not a single part of me wanted to let her go. I wanted to steal one last kiss.

But I couldn't. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. Not knowing what I knew now.

Though it about broke me, I gently disentangled myself from her hold.

"Amber..." I started to tell her. Then I looked into her sparking blue eyes that were filled with so much trust as she looked up at me. And I choked.

"Can you believe that I basically ran away from home?" In her excitement she was completely oblivious to my dilemma. "I'm staying at Lindsey's. I told you that already though didn't I?"

"You might of mentioned it." I ran a hand over my face and allowed her to grab my hand, leading me over to one of the logs where we sat down side by side.

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