Chapter 49

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The empty halls of Mountain Lake High echoed my footsteps as I made my way toward the gymnasium. There was a peep rally today and if the empty hallways were any indication, I was running late. .

As I drew nearer to my destination, I could hear the music playing and cheers from the crowd. Was that Kelly's voice on the loud speaker?

I pulled at my cheer leading uniform, making sure everything was in place before pushing my way through the gym doors..

All eyes turned to look at me, an unsettling feeling settling in my stomach. I was used to being the center of attention, but this was different. I was tempted to turn tail and run.

Instead, I held my head higher, walking to center court where the rest of my team had been performing our routine before my entrance. Now they to were staring with large eyes.

The cheers and conversation had stopped. The music fading to background noise, until it too was cut off. Kelly jumped down from a stage that I had never noticed in our gym before, passing off a microphone to head in my direction.

Lindsey got to me first.. "Amber what's going on?"

"What? I know I'm late but.."

"Amber," Kelly joined us, looking me up and down with an unreadable expression on her face. "Why didn't you tell us you're a Zionian?"

"Why..why would you say that?" Following her gaze I looked down at my body. At smooth skin that was now covered in markings. Thick lines that took over the majority of my skin, as I watched they continued to spread up my legs and down my arms, till there was little unmarked skin remaining.

This wasn't possible. It couldn't be happening. Slowly I backed away, no one making any move to stop me.

Then the whispers broke out. People openly pointing at me as they whispered to their neighbors. Some not even bothering to whisper.



"You should be locked up with the rest of them."

Spinning I broke into a run, I just needed to get home. My father would know what to do. He would make this better.

Bursting through the gym doors I ran into a hard form, which caught me up in his arms. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. "Alek, you have to help me?"

He set me down. His face completely emotionless when he took me in. Like he was looking at a stranger.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." His voice was completely flat.

"Alek, please." I grabbed onto his arm and he shrugged away from my touch, going so far as to take a step back.

"You should have told me you were a Zionian." He sneered, looking at me like I was dirty. Having this look directed at me, by him, caused my throat to swell with tears. "I never would have started anything with you if I had known you weren't human."

"What? But your not human?" I started to follow him as he turned to leave me. "Alek."

"I'm sorry Amber. I'm made my choice." My own words reflected back at me, hit like a sledgehammer.

"Alek." I called after him even as he left me standing at the gym doors. "Alek."

"Alek!" I was still screaming his name as I jerked awake in my bed.

Sweat was dripping down my brow and my heart was racing in my chest. Frantically I held out my arms and threw back the blankets to expose my legs. A relieved breath left me as I took in marking free skin.

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