Chapter 25

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Once again, I found myself pacing the beach, hoping against hope that a human female would drive up. Only this time it was a different female I kept scanning the lake surface for. Also, I wasn't waiting alone. .

"She's late." Zeena complained from the lounge chair she had lugged down from the compound. She would never admit to it, but Zeena could be a bit of a diva, and hated roughing it. The idea of sitting on the ground to wait wasn't happening for her.

"Chill Zee." Zeke had no such qualms and was sitting in the sand with his back against one of the logs, throwing sticks one by one into the fire pit. "She'll be here."

"How can you be so sure?" Zeena glared over at Zeke. "She is Ambers best friend. Maybe she's just as unreliable."

I was really getting sick of Zeenas small digs at Amber's character. She didn't know her. Not like I did. "Why are you even here helping? Seeing as you think Amber's such a bitch."

"Not think," She leaned back in her chair crossing her legs and folding her hands behind her head. "I know she's a bitch."

"She had her reasons for what she did." Zeke defended Amber, before I could get a word in.

"Yeah selfish reasons." Zeena huffed.

"Then, like I said. Why are you here?"

I hadn't seen Amber in a week. A week spent worrying about her and dodging lectures from my parents. If Zeena didn't cool it, then I just might loose my shit.

Each day I had gone to school hoping she would come waltzing into class like nothing had ever happened. When she didn't, I would look to Lindsey to see if there had been any communication. There never was. At night I would come and wait on the beach. Nothing.

By Friday, both Lindsey and I were tired of waiting around. We agreed to meet on the beach, setting a time for about half an hour ago, and come up with a plan of action. Of course Zeena, being nosy as always had been listening in and included herself in our meeting. Then when Zeke had seen us leaving for the beach, he had decided to tag along as well.

So here we all were waiting for Lindsey, who may just decide to stand me up.

"Because I might not like her, but she obviously means something significant to you." She nodded at my markings.

Since her discovery of my markings changing, Zeena had been trolling through our archives looking for any explanation.

A Zionians marking only changed with a few life altering events. Either when we found our mate, lost a loved one, or had a child. Seeing as I had experienced none of these things, we couldn't atone for the fact my marks had turned more pronounced around my neck and arms. Also, a new design, which looked remotely like a rose blooming, and arisen on my chest just over the area of my heart.

The only thing that Zeena had been able to come up with were hypothesis. She thinks that maybe, since my mate was likely never born, my soul somehow knew I did not have that connection. When I met Amber and had this intense attraction to her, something that wouldn't be possible if my mate were alive, my bodies markings were reacting to that. Similar to how they would act should I have found my mate.

"Plus, I'm tired of watching you mopping around. It's totally depressing."

"I second that." Zeke threw in his two cents just as a boat came flying around the bend. "Told you she would show up. She totally has a thing for me."

"I really hope you're kidding." Zeena pushed her way to her feet and folded up her chair to hide it in the bushes. "I don't need another human fling to have to worry about."

This Alien SoulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora