Chapter 30

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I never thought I would be that girl. You know the one - the one who falls for a guy she barely knows, but swears he is the one for her. Who then can do nothing but thing of him. Constantly checking her phone for any news from him. All she can think about is the next time she will get to see him.

I used to make fun of those girls. Never understanding that level of want for another person.

Now I am her.

He's all I think about. All I can dream about when I close my eyes at night.

Throughout the day I'm constantly making excuses to go up to my room and check the burner phone that he left for me. When I would return from reading his messages I wouldn't be able to hide the stupid grin on my face.

When we aren't texting or talking on the phone, I'm replaying our night together in my mind. I got flushed and hot just thinking about that night spent in his arms and being awoken to his hot kisses and not a few wondering hands.

I hadn't seen him, or anyone else for that matter, since that Friday night a week ago. Instead we had nightly 'dates' by phone.

With each conversation my obsession with him just grew. It fascinated me to learn about his life. As he told me stories about his time growing up on the compound. While he hadn't shared any more about his secret abilities, something I didn't want to push until we could talk in person, what he had shared was much more personal.

I got to learn about his mother and father. About Zeke and even a little about Zeena. While I doubted Zeena and I would ever be friends I came to like her just for her loyalty to Alek.

Last night I had talked him into watching the first episode of the Vampire Diaries with me. He had bitched and groaned through most of it, and didn't seem to understand how I could find those vampires so attractive.

"You do know vampires aren't real, right?" He had asked at one point. "And if they are, I doubt they look or act like these guys."

"Well, who would have thought Aliens were hot." I had defended my attraction to the Salvatore brothers. "We always assumed you were little green men with big heads."

We got through two episodes before he had begged off. But I secretly knew he enjoyed the show, because when I mentioned another night of binging it tonight he hadn't complained half as much as he should have.

I glanced once again at the clock, watching the seconds tick by till I could escape from my current teacher, Mrs. Cartwright the third edition.

"If this is your attention span then I can see why your other teachers ran for the hills." Mrs. Brown huffed, pushing her large, horn rimmed glasses up her hook-like nose. "I hate to tell you, but homeschooling won't be like regular public school. You won't be able to skate by on your looks and cheat your way through."

This should have made me angry. But seeing as she wasn't the first person to assume this theory for my perfect grade point average, I couldn't help but sigh.

"How about a test then?" I knew she wouldn't believe me any other way.

"On what? You haven't been listening to a word of the lecture all day."

"True." I hadn't been. Too busy daydreaming about a certain Zionian. "How about you try me anyways?"

"Why do I feel like you are just trying to waste my time?" She complained. She pulled out a sheet of paper and started writing out questions for me to answer.

When she passed it to me, I scanned the page. It was a variety of topics from Math to History. Most of which she hadn't even covered today.

I had the questions answered within minutes and was passing the sheet back. I didn't have to wait for Mrs. Brown to grade them to know that I got them all right.

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