Chapter 34

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By the time I had returned to Lindsey's house the news had broken.

When I had gone to the guest house to change out of my sopping wet clothes the television had been on. Steven Armentrout had been on every channel, announcing to the world the arrival of yet another alien space craft.

"The estimated time of arrival is 8:15 am. There has been communication with the Zionian ship and they have been instructed to join with their fellow Zionian's at the compound in Mountain Lake, Georgia.

"We have been assured that like their predecessors they come in peace, looking only for a safe haven here on Earth..."

I quickly flipped the television off. Even Steven's perfect face couldn't stop the twinging in my heart. Each second the craft drew closer, So did Alek's mate.

"Ugh..." I threw a fluffy pillow that was sitting on a lounge chair in my din area, at the television screen, thankful when it didn't do any damage.

In my new bedroom, I quickly unzipped my suite case. I hadn't bothered unpacking in my hurry to get to Alek. Oh, how naive I had been. I should have read the signs in his text. I should have prepared myself. Instead I had thrown myself at him on that beach, rambling on and on about my plans to live with Lindsey.

I slipped on a pair of leggings and loose t-shirt. I needed to get out of that room. I couldn't stare at those four walls and be left alone to my thoughts.

Leaving the one story guest house that spilled out into the pool area, I contemplated turning for the house. Lindsey was always willing to listen to my troubles. But that wasn't fair to her. She had her own worries and heart break.

Instead, I turned for the dock.

The dock was two storied, with the bottom story split into two sections, one side for the watercraft and the other for entertaining. It had a bar area set up with tables and lounge chairs. Ignoring these, I opted to sit on the edge of the dock, dangling my bare feet so they just touched the water.

With it going into November, the temperature of the lake was starting to drop due to cool drops in air temperature over night. I dreaded the coming months were it would be too cold to get in comfortably. Not that I hadn't braved the freezing waters more than once.

Out of reflex I pulled my phone out. Hitting the screen to check for notifications. Of course with only a few people having my new number there were no messages waiting for me.

My heart sank a little more. What had I been expecting? He had his mate arriving soon. Plus, I had told him never to talk to me again.

Still a small part of me dreamed that he would call, that he would change his mind, say to hell with this mate shit.

I tapped out a long overdue message to a familiar number and hit send.

As I sat in the dark, the crickets song took over for the birds in the night sky. Fireflies took flight in the night air. Unfortunately, this just served to remind me of my night with Alek in his tree house. The fireflies here, didn't have quiet the effect as they did in that deserted cove, loosing the magical quality.

"Hey, bitch." I jumped at the sound of a voice directly behind me, almost ending up in the water not of my own will, for the second time that day.

I turned to find Kelly flouncing down the dock steps in a short blue sundress. "What are you doing here?"

"I was on the way to see Lindsey when I got your cowardly text." She flashed her phone in the air showing the text I had just sent. "I mean, if you busted out of house jail, you could have at least come and apologized in person."

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