Chapter 7

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He strolled into the classroom as though he owned it. There was no indication from the cocky smirk on his face that he was in a new or unknown environment.

I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from the handsome stranger from the beach. I watched with baited breath as his blazing green eyes did a quick sweep of the room, just waiting for the moment they would land on me.

Would he even recognize me?

I got my answer as soon as he turned my way.

At first, his gaze bounced from me to the next person down the line, filled with disinterest. As though we were all beneath his notice. Just as quickly as he had dismissed me, he was snapping his attention back in my direction. I watched as he visibly took in a sharp breath and his tattooed hands fist at his sides.

It seemed I wasn't the only one affected by this crazy attraction.

It was as though the rest of the classroom just disappeared and there was only the two of us. Like we were back on that beach clearing in the moment before he disappeared.

I could hear Brad hissing my name beside me. And I could feel Lindsey's questioning eyes on me. But I couldn't for the life of me tear myself away from his green depths.

I was so caught up with the stranger that I didn't even notice the others with him right away. Not until Mr. Hapright started his introductions..

"Class, please welcome your new classmates." He picked up a paper and started reading off their names. "We have Alek, Zeena and Traz, Zionians from the Containment Center."

All it took was that statement to stop all conversations throughout the room. It was so eerily silent that you could hear a pen drop. Which it did, as the pen I had been holding tumbled to the ground from my suddenly numb fingers.

It all made since now, as I pieced together our encounter in the woods. Footsteps only leading into the woods, woods that surrounded the Containment Center and were rarely ventured into. The tattoos and startling green eyes. Of course, the hot stranger- the first guy I was genuinely attracted to - would be an alien.

The room seemed to spin around me as the three aliens took seats in the back of the class. Mr. Hapright attempted to regain control of a class that had lost all interest in anything besides the intruders in the back row.

Most didn't even try to hide the fact they were staring, turning bodily in their seats to take them in, as though they were exhibits in a zoo. But really, who could blame them. We went from zero contact with the Zionians, to having them waltz into our history class!

I could physically feel that he was staring at me, making it impossible to relax in my seat. I sat frozen, back perfectly straight, and staring at the white board in the front of the room as Mr. Hapright moved back and forth, writing words that I couldn't even comprehend in his sloppy handwriting.

I felt a warm hand fall heavily onto my shoulder, causing me to jump and look to my right, where Brad was staring me down with worried eyes. "You ok?" He mouthed.

No, I wanted to scream. My head is pounding, my chest is racing. And I have an undeniable attraction to an alien. An alien that I promised my father I would avoid at all cost.

"Talk later." I mouthed back, reaching over and grabbing his hand to reassure him.

As my fingers interlocked with Brads, I heard the scrapping of a chair in the back of the room. Unable to help myself I looked back to find the aliens frowning eyes zeroed in on our joined hands.

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