Chapter 27

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Fight or flight kicked in, providing me with a burst of strength. Struggling with the arm around my waist, I threw an elbow, connecting with a hard chest. However, my antics didn't seem to faze my attacker at all. He held me even tighter with a strength that far surpassed my own, even on my best days. .

And today was not one of my best days.

A million thoughts played though my mind. Worst case scenarios on what his plans for me were. None of them ending well for me. Panic was filling my chest right before he leaned down and spoke in my ear.

"Shh.... it's just me, princess." It was the voice I had been craving. That I would recognize immediately, as he had been talking to me nightly in my dreams.

I started struggling against his hold again. Only this time for a different reason. I needed to see him. I needed to know he was really here.

This time he let go of his hold, uncovering my mouth so I could speak.

I spun too quickly. My head spinning from the abrupt movement and he had to reach out again, grabbing me around my waist to steady me.

But I didn't care. I shook away the head fog enough to take him in.

He looked like he hadn't been sleeping well with his eyes red rimmed and a scruffy beard starting to grow in. Otherwise he was just as handsome as I remembered.

"Amber..." he breathed out my name as his eyes ate me up just as greedily as I was him.

Whatever he was planning on saying next was lost, as I jumped up into his arms.

I found his lips with my own, resuming our fateful kiss that had started this nightmare.

At first, he seemed taken aback by the kiss. Then with a groan he gave in, opening to my searching tongue before taking command for himself. This kiss was just as intoxicating as I remembered our first to be. Only this time there was a desperation that was a result of our forced separation. It added a depth to our kiss that had my head spinning.

At this point, I was depending completely on Alek to keep me standing upright. Finally, I gave up control completely as he picked me up in his arms, never releasing my lips.

As we kissed my pain fell away. The worries I had been carrying all week turned to smoke. Ten minutes ago I had been fearing that I would never see Alek again now I was in his arms. I never wanted this kiss to end.

When it finally did we were both breathless. Alek allowed my body to slide down his own as he set me gently on my feet. Bending down he rested his head on mine as I supported myself against his chest.

"And here I was worried about how you'd feel about seeing me." Alek chuckled and I slapped him half-heartedly against his chest.

"How are you here?" The fact that Alek was here in my bedroom just then hit me. How had he gotten off the compound let alone made it up to my bedroom?

"I bummed a ride over from Lindsey." I remembered thinking I saw her boat earlier.

"That doesn't explain how you made it into my bedroom."  Oh my God, Alek was in my bedroom. A bedroom I had been camped out in for the last week and I hadn't exactly taken the time to clean.

I quickly looked around. I had a fairly large room with a sitting area, where I had a couch and television as well as my desk. My king bed covered in a plush white comforter. It looked out over a large walk out porch that overlooked the lake below. Currently the bed wasn't made with my pink pillows tossed around haphazardly.

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