Chapter 23

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"Please tell me this is a joke." I pounded harder on the locked door. "This isn't funny! Open the damn door." .

My heart was pounding and sweat was beading on my brow. I hated the feeling of being locked in somewhere. Even if that somewhere was my bedroom.

Add claustrophobia in with the knowledge of what my imprisonment meant, and I was in a full on panic mode.

"Acting like this, isn't going to help your cause with your father." My mothers voice was barely audible over my tantrum.

I had woken up in my bed just fifteen minutes ago. Still in my black dress with my crown on my head, tangled into my hair. The last thing I could remember was getting caught in Alek's arms.

Thankfully, I wasn't suffering from a hangover and woke completely clearheaded. I wasn't sure what had been in that drink but it wasn't like anything I had drank before.

I had managed to extract the crown from my hair and changed into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top before discovering I was a prisoner in my own room.

"Mom, let me out!" I demanded, yet again.

"Your father will be up in a minute to talk to you. How about until then you calm down and act your age?" She called me out, which only made me angrier.

Though it was infuriating, I managed to contain myself enough to sit at my desk until my father arrived. Seeing my clutch on my desk, I pulled it over to get my phone. I needed to talk to Lindsey, find out what happened at the rest of the dance. Also, how much damage control I needed to do with Kelly and Brad.

I still couldn't believe what had happened.

I touched my finger to my lips replaying that kiss in my mind. I knew it had been wrong, we had been at that dance with other people. Other people who where my friends. But I couldn't bring myself to regret it.

Maybe it had been the alcohol. Or this crazy connection we had. But kissing Alek had been nothing like the kisses I had shared with Brad in the past.

There had been a spark,  then an energy that had made every cell in my body come alive. In that moment the most important thing had been to get closer to Alek. The closest feeling I could compare it to would be when I disappeared into the depths of the lake after a harsh treatment.

I felt changed on an elemental level. More alive. clutch was empty. This startling discovery pulled me from my musings.

Had I lost my phone at some point in the evening? Could it still be at the school?

I grabbed my lab top to pull up my communications. I could locate my phone from there and reach out to Lindsey. My locator app was quick to track down my my father's office downstairs.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered, before pulling up my communications app and searching for Lindsey's name. When I tapped to start a live call, instead of flashing to Lindsey's face, I got a message that popped up on the screen.

Communications disabled.

Deep breath in...deep breath out...I chanted to myself. My mom was right I couldn't loose my shit right now. I needed to be calm for when I faced off with my father. I needed to act like an adult, to explain that I expected to be treated like one. And locking me in a room and taking away any form communication was not the way to treat an adult.

I had just managed to get my temper under wraps when my door opened and my father came charging in.

My jaw about dropped open at the sight of him. His normally perfectly combed and styled hair was standing up on end. Clothes that were normally perfectly pressed - wrinkled, with his tie hanging at an awkward angle.

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