Chapter 20

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The rain came down in sheets.

A small bare cabin the same colour of sand and driftwood surrounding it. Thick fog moves like ghosts across the land.

The first page of a letter sits on the table in front of Mrs. Heelshire, as she cries writing a second.

Our Dear Son
                      Words cannot describe out heartbreak, we leave you now.
We will not be back. We cannot bear to live what we have allowed you to become.
The girl is yours now. She is yours to love and to take care for.
Also, look after Alice, she needs your support.
God forgive us all.
Love always,
Mummy & Daddy XXX

Mr. Heelshire puts a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"It's time." he tells her.

Mrs. Heelshire nods sadly. Stuffs the letter in an envelope. They walk down a gravel path to the post box. Mrs. Heelshire reaches into her jacket pocket, produces two letters. She quickly stuffs the letters into the mailbox.

They join hands and continue walking. They make their way slowly to the beach.

Mr. Heelshire stops, picks up a couple of large stones. He puts them into his pockets of his heavy winter jacket. The others he hands to his wife who puts them into her jacket.

This continues - the couple stopping and picking up stones every couple of feet, until they reach the edge of the sea.

Mr. Heelshire takes his wife's hand in his. Then the couple, hand in hand, walk straight towards the water.

The ice-cold water rushes against their feet, rises up to their ankles and the sea foam is up their knees. They keep walking, bending over to push themselves into the waves.

Mrs. Heelshire struggles against the waves until they reach up to their necks.

A large wave hits the couple and Mrs. Heelshire disappeared. Mr. Heelshire struggles on. Another wave, he sinks into the water.

And then its as if they were never there. Just the beating on the waves on the sand and the rain erasing and trace of their footprints.

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