Chapter 6

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Mrs Heelshire moves up the stairs with speed. Behind her, Greta struggles, as I manage to move passed my sister and fell in line with Mrs Heelshire. I wanted to laugh as Greta is huffing and puffing, with Brahms held awkwardly in her arms. It's like she's afraid of the doll.

'Brahms has a detailed schedule. You are detail oriented, arnt you?' Mrs Heelshire asks Greta.

'Yes... Detail... Oriented.' Greta replies with confusion.

'We'll run through a typical day. It's... Brahms decision in the end and he can be quite selective. We've had a number of nannies come through already. Though, none of them were nearly as pretty or as young as you. And Alice of course. It's a first time a nanny has brought a guest, hopefully Brahms will adjust to the change.' Mrs Heelshire says with a worried voice.

Mrs Heelshire turns around and looks at Greta.

' That is your real hair colour, I assume?'

Greta reaches up and touches her brown hair.' Uh, yeah. It is.'

Mrs Heelshire chuckles.' That's good. You never know nowadays.'

Mrs Heelshire continues up the stairs. Greta looks at me, hoping to find some sort of answer. I quickly shrug my shoulders, as I continue to follow on. We move to the hallway, and into the child's bedroom.

I watch as Mrs Heelshire takes Brahms out of Greta arms and quickly dresses him in his pajamas.

'You will wake him at 7 each morning and dress him.'

Mrs Heelshire finishes putting Brahms into his pajamas and puts him into bed. I watch Greta just stand there, not quite sure what she's supposed to do.

'You'll find his cloths in there.' Mrs heelshire points to the dresser.

'So I should...?'

I roll my eyes.

'Wake him and dress him, Miss Evans. There's no better way to learn than by doing.'

I go stand by Mrs Heelshire, observe Greta carefully. She pulls out an outfit for Brahms, then walks to bed where Brahms is "sleeping".

Greta stands over Brahms, still not sure what to do.

' Um... Wake up... Brahms.' she whispers.

Mrs Heelshire rolls her eyes, looking unimpressed. 'I don't know about you or your sister, but that won't certainly wake me.'

'It's time to wake up Brahms.'

I watch Greta softly pull the covers of Brahms and pull him up into her arms very gently and carefully. Then, just as slowly and carefully, she pulls of his pajamas.

At this rate Greta is going, Brahms will be fully dressed and ready in about three hours.

'He's not a baby, Miss Evans. You needn't worry about hurting him.'

Mrs Heelshire walks over and takes Brahms from Greta arms, to dress him quickly.

'Now let's show Miss Evans how to get you dressed. I'd let her do it, but I'm afraid we'll be here all afternoon.'

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