Chapter 17

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Alice stands in front of the mirror, brushing her teeth when something flashes behind her. Maybe a shadow flickering across the hallway.

Alice spins around when she hears a child's laughing. She slowly steps into the hallway.


She walks passed Brahms bedroom, then she stops. Brahms is laying in his bed. Alice steps into his bedroom and walks over to his child-size bed.

Brahms face is turned to face the door. Alice gently grabs the bottom of the dolls chin and moves his face facing forward.

Alice stares, then jumps back screaming as the dolls face moves back in its original place.


Greta POV

Greta is in bed, a magazine open in front of her, the phone pressed to her ear.

'How do you know this guy is safe?' Sadie asks down the phone.

'He's a family friend of the Heelshires.' Greta replies.

'Oh, so a family friend of the freaky people who pretend a doll is their dead son? That sounds very safe to me.' Sadie replies.

'He took me out to dinner. I needed to get away from Alice. After the stunt she pulled and ruined my dress. If I did stay, I would have killed her.'

Sadie laughs. 'It won't be the first time. Anyway, how can you be so naive? He's trying to get into your pants.'

Greta laughs. 'Well, he already has. And... He was very good.'

'Better than Cole?'

Greta smiles a cruel smoke. 'Way better.'

There was a long pause down the phone. 'Speaking about Cole... He's been after me non-stop. He even showed up at work a couple of times....'

Gretas body froze.

'I'm so sorry. He came by the house this morning when I wasn't at home and Morgan was alone. He gave Cole the address... I'm so sorry.' Sadie replied.

'No. It's fine. I can handle Cole.' Greta replies.

'No. You will have to run. We can't risk Alice finding out, we go to prison for life,so will mama and papa....' Sadie screams in panic.

Greta speaks, but its almost as if she's in some kind of daze now, as if she is speaking to no one in particular. 'of course. Alice will have to go'

'No. Greta, promise me you will run.' she begs.

Greta smiles. 'I promise.,'

'And Greta...!'


'I love you.'

'I love you too, Sadie.'

The phone hangs up on the other end of the line. Greta continues to hold the phone to her ear. A click. As if a second phone is hanging up or maybe picking up.

'Hello? Hello?' Greta says panicking.


Greta hangs up the phone. A look of worry on her face. She comes out of her room and into Alice's. She sees the phone, but it's left in the same place. She goes downstairs and into the living room, the phone is hanging by the cord. Greta gulps.

'Alice!' Greta shouts.

The front door swings open and Greta screams. Standing in the doorway is Alice and William.

'Are you okay?' William asks.

Greta nervously smiles. 'Was you just on the phone?' she asks Alice.

Alice shakes her head. 'I just finished the traps.'

'Are you sure you are okay? You look like you have just seen a ghost.' William asks.

'Yeah. I'm fine.' she says quickly.

Alice clears her throat. 'Greta, can I stay at William House tonight. Malcolm is coming over and I don't want to be in the way.' Alice asks nervously, fiddling with her fingers.


'Thank you. I just grab my things and say goodnight to the boys.'

Greta frowns. 'B... Boys?' she gulps.

William laughs. 'She means the dolls.'

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