Chapter 5

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Meeting Brahms

That's all he can say as Mrs Heelshire enters the kitchen. If I thought the artist was faking some liberties in the painting of the woman, I was very wrong.

Mrs Heelshire is short, not quite a little person, but definitely less average height. She looks as if she stepped directly out of the painting.

'Miss Evans?'

'Mrs Heelshire, its so nice to finally meet you. I'm Greta, and this is Alice, my little sister who I was telling you about.'

I smiled, and gave a little curtsy.,'It's nice to meet you, Mrs Heelshire.' my Texas accent slipping out a little.

She smiles and looks down at both of our barefeet.

'Where are your shoes?' she asks.

'We were not sure if we could walk on your carpets with shoes on. So we took them off.' I told her.

'Is it something you do often?,'

'It was a house rule that we grew up with. It's kinda stuck.'

Mrs Heelshire laughs, making me jump a little. 'Shoes are fine. Let's go down into the hallway so you can put them back on. This house is very old. I don't want you to hurt yourselves on the floorboards. This time of year, the floorboards get very cold and we don't want the cold to sink into your bones. '

We followed Mrs Heelshire to the hallway. I frowned when I spotted my sandles by the wooden chair that I had been sitting in. I knew I didn't leave them there. I also notice my suitcase and other of my stuff wasn't there.

' Brahms is very excited to meet you both. He's never met an American before.' Mrs heelshire tells us.

'we are very excited to meet him.' Greta tells her.

Greta notices me putting my sandles on. She looks for her shoes but they are not anywhere. I shrug my shoulders.

'I was sure I took them off here.' she lies. She didn't want to get into trouble for been up stairs.

Mrs Heelshire eyes wonder around. 'I'm sure they'll turn up. It's Brahms... He can be playful. I assume you brought other shoes?'

I look around the hallway, hoping to spot my belongings. Mrs Heelshire gives me a small smile.

Greta opens her suitcase and pulls out her boots.

'Good. Now come along, we've kept them waiting long enough.'

We both follow Mrs Heelshire to the living room. I saw Mr Heelshire bent down on his knee, talking to someone in a chair.

Mrs Heelshire clears her throat. Mr Heelshire stands obediently, stands in front of the chair and looks towards us.

' Miss Evans. Alice. Allow me to introduce you to my husband, Mr Heelshire.'

Mr Heelshire Bowes his head towards us. 'Miss Evans. Alice.' he gives us a small smile.

I smile back respectfully.

'And...this is our son... Brahms.' she introduces us in a very loud clear voice.

The Heelshire step away from the chair. My eyes widen in shock. Sitting in the chair is a doll.

A life-size doll and somewhat life-like, with a perfect porcelain face, not like the painting, with perfect delicate hands and wearing a suit.

I look at the doll, it's perfectly crafted, painted with 19th Century paints and oils.

I look at the Heelshire's, and notice the sadness in their eyes. They seemed empty, that they were loosing hope.

I swollowed a huge lump in my throat.

A long, painful, silent beat where Greta opens her mouth, then closes it unable to find the proper words for a situation like this.

Greta laughs.

My eyes widen in shock. She hasn't clicked on yet, that they have lost a son who has barely lived. I give them an apologetic look, showing them that I understand in a way.

Greta still laughs. That kind of forced chuckle you give when you're not quite sure if someone's joking.

Mr and Mrs Heelshire give each other disappointed, meanful looks towards Greta.

Greta notices it, but all she can do is let out another little nervous laugh. Where's her respect?

'I'm so sorry, Mr and Mrs...' I try to apologise on behalf of Greta.

'I see, you two have met Brahms then?' Malcolm says, stepping into the room.

Without missing a beat, Malcolm gets down on one knee and shakes Brahms porcelain hand, carefully to look and talk directly to him. As if he was a real little boy.

'How are you Brahma? You take it easy on Miss Evans and Alice. They've travelled a long way to meet you.' he tells the doll.

Malcolm stands up. 'I'm off then. Bills on the table.' he turns to Greta. 'Pleasure to meet you, Miss Evans. Hope to see you when I deliver next Thursday.'

'Thank you, Malcolm.' Mrs Heelshire says kindly.

I watch Greta kneel down to Brahms level, just like Malcolm did, and takes Brahms little porcelain hand in hers.

'It's so nice to meet you, Brahms. This is my little sister, Alice-' I smile and gave a little curtsy. '-I hope, you, me and Alice can be friends.'

Mrs heelshire smiles broadly at Mr Heelshire. They both seemed relived, but happy.

'Daddy. Will you take Miss Evans things to her room. Alice, dear. Where are your things?' Mrs Heelshire asked.

'They were with Gretas things, but they are no longer there.' I told her.

Mr Heelshire laughs nervously. 'I already put a suitcase in one of the rooms, mommy.'

Mrs Heelshire looks shocked, smiled like it was forced.

'Miss Evans, we might as well get started. I have quite a bit to show you. If you'll help Brahms along, we'll begin upstairs. Alice, you can come along as well, if you wish.'

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