Chapter 16

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The attic stairs are still down. William walks around them. He gives them a tap, Alice, is now clothed stands back a few feet and watches.

William gives the stairs another tap. This tap is a little bit harder. The attic door slams closed like a spring on a rat trap. William looks at Alice.

'Well one mystery solved.' he tells Alice.

Alice stands in the hallway with her arms crossed, maybe because of the cold, or maybe out of fright. She can hear William in the room, moving things around.

'Nothing under the bed. Bars on the windows are still solid.' he tells her.

'Thanks.' Alice replied in a small voice.

Alice quickly glances in her bedroom. Brahms and her doll are still sitting on her bed. They are both staring at Alice, almost as if they are watching her.

William says something from the room.

Alice turns away slowly from the two dolls. Just as she turns her head, she catches sight of Brahms out of the corner of her eye as he blinks. Or at least it looks like he does.

Alice does a double take. Brahms sits there, motionless, harmless, staring back at her with big, black, lifeless eyes.

'Closset clear...' William says walking out of the room.

Alice snaps out of her staring contest with Brahms.

'... That's the last room. The house is clear.'

'Someone was here. I know it.' Alice replies feeling scared and a little stressed out.

William sighs. 'The doors were locked when I got here. There's bars on the windows and I've checked every nook and cranny. I'm not sure what else I can do.' he tells her gently.

'but my cloths...' Alice looks down, a bit confused and embarrassed. Could she really have imagined it all?

'You know, I used to sleep walk as a boy. One night my parents and brother found me outside near the swing in my pajamas, washing my brothers bike with my father's underwear. As you can imagine my therapist has a really good time talking about that one.' William jokes.

Alice can't help but laugh.

' I don't know, maybe I was sleepwalking.' But she doesn't look very convinced, or comforted.

' I could stay if you want? Till your sister gets back.' he offers.

' No. I feel silly enough already. And I don't want to inconvenience you.'

'It's really no problem. I'm here. Just say the word. I could even cook you dinner if you like.' he says with a smile.

'I couldn't ask you to do that. Plus you will have to make another two plates.' she replies looking at the two dolls.

William smiles, his eyes twinkle a little. 'So it's true what the people say. You have to follow the rules?'

Alice smiles. 'Unfortunately.'

'No problem. If you like, I will help you.' he offers smiling at the dolls.

Alice face lifts up into a big smile. 'Really?'

William laughs. 'Yes really.'


Alice and the two dolls sit at the dinner table, a plate and fork in front of her.

William bursts out of the kitchen, holding a baking tray full of steaming food.

'Ta-da!' He sets the baking-dish down revealing what looks like a hot dogs placed in a kind of uncooked dough. Not exactly appetizing.

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