Chapter 23

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It's been one of those amazing couple of days. Afternoon sunlight spills through the window illuminating the thin veil of dust hanging in the air.

William is seated in front of a huge canvas, painting away happily, humming to some cheesy pop song. Alice is sitting by the window, reading a classic novel.

The phone rings in the other room, making William and Alice pause what they were doing.

"I get it." he tells Alice softly,putting his paint brush down.

Alice watches him leave the room, she is holding her breath. She is nervous and scared. She hasn't seen Cole since the accident. She was scared of what she would find out.

William comes back into the room, he sits next to Alice, pulling her onto his lap and giving her one of his warm hugs.

"He be forty-five minutes. He is waiting for a taxi." he whispers, placing a kiss on her head.

"It's bad... Isn't it?" she asks,staring at the painting that is covered up on the wall.

"Yeah. It's bad. But remember this, you are not alone... Okay?"

Alice nods her head and gives William a small smile. "I know... But I'm happy I will have you to look after me."


Greta lays in her bed, talking on the phone. Brahms is propped next to her.

"I've been trying to call you all week. I was about to call the boobies." Sadie snapped.

Greta frowned. "the boobies?"

"The British police. You're lucky Rick talked me out of it."

Greta laughs. "I think the British just say police, Sadie."

"Don't laugh at me, Greta. I don't care what they are called. You can't just stop answering your phone. I worry about you."

"I'm sorry, Sadie. There was a problem with the phone." Greta lied.

"Is it fixed now. You can't be out there with no phone."

Greta looks at Brahms. "yeah, everything is fine now."

A sigh is heard on the other side of the phone, as if Sadie doesn't believe her.

"Well in two months you'll be back here and everything will be back to normal."


Lunch time. Brahms sits at the table alone. From far away, Brahms face looks like it's changing, ever so slightly, that mysterious half-smike to something more sinister. The doll waits for Greta.

" I don't know what food you like, but until you say otherwise, it's sandwich city for you."

Greta emerged from the kitchen with a sandwich and a glass of milk. She smiling happily, at home. She sits the plate down in front of Brahms.

"So, what do you feel like doing today? How about we forget the schedule and do something fun? Hide n seek? Play some checkers? Maybe go for a walk outside?"

Greta waits for an answer.


"No? Okay. Well stick to the schedule then." she mumbles unhappy.

Greta walks back into the kitchen to make herself a sandwich.

"I gotta be honest with you, Brahms. This Schedule thing is getting to me. I don't see how you do it. Same thing everyday. Not leaving this house. I'm a girl that needs a little spontaneity. I just can't do the same thing everyday. You remind me of.... Alice. She's boring. I need adventure. I need supprises. I might need to get out of this house for a couple of days... "

Greta walks back into the dining room. She freezes, her mouth hanging open.

Brahms is gone. The chair pushed back and away from the table. She looks around the room.

" Brahms?" Greta calls.


Truck tires come to a sudden stop in the gravel driveway. Malcolm sees Alice and William making their way towards the Manor.

He jumps out of the trunk. Practically runs up to the front door. The door swings open and there's Greta, wide-eyes and half-crazy looking.

"I... Uh... I... He. Brahms. He just..."

Greta starts laughing, somewhere in between hysterical and joyus. She gathers herself...

"your not going to believe this." she tells them.

Malcolm looks to William who is holding Alice close. Alice eyes are red and puffy. She has been crying.

Greta grabs Malcolm and William hands and races up the stairs, leaving Alice all alone.

Alice looks around the Manor in a daze and slowly and walks up the stairs.

"I need someone to see it. So, I'd know I'm not crazy."

"To see what?" Malcolm asks, completely confused.

Greta suddenly stops, looks at Malcolm and William beaming happily.

"He's alive." she tells them.

"Who's alive?" William asks.

Greta laughs. "Brahms." she whispers.

There eyes widen. "Brahms is alive?" Malcolm says loudly.

"Maybe not alive. I don't know. He's... Something. You both need to see it."

Malcolm pauses, before following her. He sees William standing close to Alice. He's talking to her in a calming voice.

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