Chapter 26

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Greta leaves the bathroom, all clean from blood. She humming a song as she walks down the hallway. She comes to the Heelshire bedroom, pauses and carries on walking.

She grabs the attic pole, pulls down the attic stairs and goes up. Greta moves through the burned remains of furniture.

She finds the photo album and flips through quickly. She finds what she's looking for.

The photo album of Brahms and the little girl.

Greta takes out a photo, she flips it to the back. Written in Mrs Heelshire handwriting "Brahms Heelshire and Emily Cribbs."

Greta looks up from the photo. At all the half-burned objects around her. They somehow seem menacing now.


Some pop song plays on the radio. William drives home. He couldn't wait to see Alice tonight.

He frowns when he hears a faint scratching sound. William listens.



He turns off the radio. More scratching. It's faint, but it's definitely there.

William keeps driving as he leans forward, listening. Trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. He taps the glove box and the sound stops.

Keeping one eye on the road, William reaches over and opens the glove box.

Three bloody, half-dead rats come tumbling out. One goes scurrying towards his feet.

William screams, swerves off the road into a field before he manages to slam on the breaks.

William jumps out of the truck and does one of those creeped out dances in the field. He curses loudly, looking confused.


Classical music thunders on the stereo, through the empty rooms of Heelshire Manor.

Greta walks around the yard with a garbage bag. She stops by a Bush and reaches behind it, bringing up an empty rat trap.

Greta sets it back and heads to the next one. She pulls it up, empty.

She rounds the house to the front and stops. She drops the garbage bag on the ground. A confused, shocked look on her face.


He stood there on the porch, waiting for her.

Cole was in his mid thirtys, tall, all-American looking with dark hair. He smirks at her.

"I was going to send a letter, but Alice beat me too it."


Greta and Brahms sit side by side on the couch. Cole sits on a chair facing them, leaning forward towards Greta.

"This is a joke, right? Not the doll, but you caring for something?" Cole asks.

Greta doesn't look up. She reaches out and puts an comforting arm around Brahms.

"The whole way out here, I was thinking of what I was going to say. But... Fuck it. I'm not playing nice anymore, I'm done with it. I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else... Including me or Alice." he warns.

Cole looks at the doll sadly. Still not quite believing what he's seeing. He reaches out into his bag, pulls out two plane tickets and tosses them onto the coffee table.

" our flight leaves tomorrow afternoon. You're coming home, then you are going to jail... Dear old Sadie was arrested this morning and guess what... She confessed to everything... You're going down for a very long time."

Greta squeeze brahms tighter to her.

" I can't believe I got the blame for everything. Everyone thought I was a woman beater. Sadie even told the police she saw me hit you..." Cole pauses and then laughs."... You two had it all planned out from the start. But it was you, who was the monster. Your the one who beat me..."

Cole looks to brahms." Sorry, mate. I know you think Greta is an angel, but she is a demon. She would hurt you, like she did to Alice..."

" Stop it!" Greta screams.

" No! He needs to know the truth, he's just a child, like you said... You Greta, you would hurt him... It's not like you've hurt a child before." Cole shouts.

" He was mine!!!" screams Greta.

" No!!! That baby wasn't yours. He was Alice's baby, and you and Sadie killed him. He wasn't even born yet... And you decided to give her an injection to start the labour off early... But you couldn't wait... You cut your sister open... He went into shock, you shook that baby to death..."

"I wanted him... The baby was mine... Mine... God danm it... Why does she get everything I want... I wanted that baby, so I took it... I was supposed to be the mother, not her... She stole everything from me... I'm happy she is dead.." greta screams then starts laughing. " I will do it again." she confessed.

Cole pales."Where's Alice... What did you do to her."

Greta laughs, looking Cole in the eyes.

"I killed her."

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