Chapter 24

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They followed Greta into Brahms bedroom. Greta is on her hands and knees wiping chalk lines and circles off of the floor. Brahms is seated on the bed.

Malcolm stands in the doorway looking more than a little uncomfortable. He goes to talk and then doesn't. Starts again. Stops again.

"Are you sure your feeling alright?" William asks Greta, pulling Alice close to him.

"I know you must think I'm crazy. I'd think the same thing." Greta replies, scrubbing the floor.

"You think?" Alice mumbles.

Greta shoots a glare at Alice. "I'm not crazy." she hisses, holding the small brush tightly in her hand.

"I have to erase this, so you don't think I'm cheating..." Greta tells them.

"I don't think your cheating. No worries there..." Malcolm says to himself. "... I'd think you've gone completely fucking mads, is what I think."

Alice giggles, hiding her face in Williams jumper.

Greta stands up smiling. "Come inside. Look around." Greta tells them.

They step inside the room coutiously. They look around.

"What is it, exactly, that I'm looking for?" Malcolm asks.

"To make sure that no one is here. Its just Brahms." Greta tells them.

"Um... We're here?" William says.

Greta smiles at him. A big joyous, or maybe, insane smile. It's hard to tell.

Greta sets Brahms on the floor and then carefully draws a circle around him.

"I used chalk because sometimes he doesn't move very much and it's hard to tell. I knew I had to be scientific about it. I even messured it at first. I didn't want any doubt when it happens."

Greta stands again, stares straight into Malcolm eyes.

"This is something..." she tells him. She shakes her head, like there's not a word big enough. "... There is something." she repeats.

All Malcolm can do is nod his head. They follow Greta into the hallway. She closes the door to Brahms room, they walk into hers.

Malcolm watches William lead Alice into hers. Alice lays on her bed and William climbs in next to her and pulls her close to his body. He can head Alice softly sobbing into Williams neck. Something in the back of Malcolm head is telling him something isn't right.

He walks into Greta room. It is a disaster. Clothes everywhere. They have to walk over them just to get in.

Malcolm looks around, lifts up the clothes as if looking for clues to the tragedy unfolding before him.

"I couldn't figure it out before. There were these strange things going on. Little things. Sounds. A necklace. My shoes that I lost..."

She gives the wall two knocks, as if a sign.

"... Then I remembered what you said. He's shy. He doesn't want people to see. But if you go into another room, if you leave him alone, he'll give you a sign." she explains.

" This is a magic trick, yeah? You don't really think he's alive?"

"It's not a trick." greta walks out of her bedroom and into the hallway. Malcolm watches William put cloths into a bag and watches Alice chatting away, she is holding the other doll.

They stand in front of the closed door to brahms room. Tense. They look at each other. Even Malcolms starting to believe a little.

"Are you ready?" Greta asks Malcolm.

Malcolm doesn't look ready, but he quickly nods his head.

"Okay..." Greta grips the door handle. "... Brahms, here we come?" she calls.

She opens the door and she pushes it open. Brahms sits, still inside the circle. Just as Greta left him. Her smile fades. Malcolm puts his arms around her.

"It's okay. I think maybe we should sit down for a bit, yeah? Honestly, I think maybe you're a bit tired." he tells her.

"No!" she pulls away from him. She kneels down next to brahms.

"Please, Brahms. I need him to see. I know your scared. I know this is hard for you. Do it for me, okay? I need this, or I can't stay here anymore."

It's pitiful to watch. Malcolm rubs his hands on his face roughly.


Greta stands. "One more time. If nothing happens then I'm crazy. I'll sit. I'll rest. I'll leave. What ever you want. Just one more time."

They walk back into Greta bedroom. Greta gives the wall between her room and brahms room a firm knock.



Malcolm paces the floor, a continual creaking with each footstep. He stops... The creaking doesn't. It coming from the other room.

Malc9and Greta look at each other. They rush out into the hallway, nearly knocking down William and Alice.

Greta reaches for the door knob and stops. She pulls back afraid. She looks at Malcolm. He nods. Malcolm reaches out and opens the door.

Inside the bedroom is an empty circle, with no Brahms. Malcolm let's out a gasp. Greta let's out a laugh that's almost a cry.

They walk into the room. They look around. No sign of Brahms.

"Where did he go?" Malcolm gasps.

Greta just smiles and shrugs. "I don't know."

Malcolm looks under the bed.

"It's real, isn't it"

Next he looks through the closet. Pushing a pile of Brahms cloths.

"Bloody hell." Malcolm whispers.

"It's real." Greta says to herself.

Malcolm stands next to Greta looking completely confused. Greta throws her arms around Malcolm. His confusion drains away as he feels her body close to his. He puts his arms around her.

And then Malcolm sees something over her shoulder. He goes completely still.

Greta turns around and she sees Brahms sitting there in the hallway.

Greta laughs. "Now Brahms, be a good boy. Don't scare Malcolm."

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