NO. 6

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Kim was already waiting in the Cafe for a few minutes. Cia was late, but he knew she'd call him, so he kept waiting. The door opened and short person came in. OF12 was quiet, no one except Kim noticed her. "Sorry, I had to sneak out from the window," she smiled while making herself comfortable on the opposite chair. He pushed a cup of coffee towards her. "I didn't know what to order, so I took you coffee." Cia smiled and took a sip. She hated coffee.

"Tell me," said Kim, "what do you know?" Cia took another sip and then put the coffee down. It was so bitter.
"Drug cartel at school, headmaster knows and obviously is scared and trapped. That means there's someone powerful above him. It might be the boss, I heard them talking about, but it also might be someone even above him. I believe, that that 'boss' is protected by that person. There's no way that police wouldn't investigate school wit so many junkies, so there is someone who can make police not to. Right?"

"Hmm. You aren't wrong. Problem is, that we don't have youngsters like you are. That is why. We need you to find evidence at least on the headmaster. It will be hard to take the boss down, but I guess basically impossible to take down the person above them. We don't even know who that is."
"So that is my mission right? I need to prove headmaster's wrongdoings and reveal the boss. Who's gonna take care about the one on top? If he exists?"
"We're positive about his existence. Well, if we have a boss, we might find out who that is." Cia stared at him, both of them knew, that it wouldn't happen. He would not betray his patron.
"I'll do my best," she promised. Kim knew that she will.

When Cia left he was thinking for a bit. He felt bad for her. Never having family and normal life. Yes, they indeed made a perfect soldier, she was loyal, brave and clever. All those informations she got only from that little conversation. He shaked his head. She was brilliant, no one could decinstruct that, but she was only seventeen, only seventeen! Just seeing her eyes made him want to beat those people. He knew about a few tests. Only a few. How many were there? How much did she suffer and how hell perfect must she be to be the only one to survive?

He looked at her back, she looked calm, but was observing everything. Did she even know fear? He shaked his head again. Probably no. Kim finished his coffee and left as well.

Cia was calmly walking in dark. Her heart knew only one fear. Fear of two people. Two monsters. But it was alright, one of them was dead already, she killed him, killed him for what he has done to her. And the second couldn't reach her anymore. It never stopped chasing her. Those memories. She had a lot of those, but she never let them pop out. She is strong. She is someone who made an outh to herself. She will protect her nation and people. She will not let anyone and anything weakened her, not even her own thoughts.

Cia walked towards her new home. Did she even see it as a home? Did she view those people as her family? No. She did not and didn't want to as well. Her life, her loyalty, everything could be shaked if she started to care about them too much. That won't happen. That can't happen.

She was walking home, when she overheard a noice comming from alley. Curiosity got the best out of her and she sneaked behind on of the trees. "You understand how fucked up we are?! We can't let them got to us! First, we'll end up in jail for smuggling drugs, second, we're dead. They won't risk us telling something! What the fuck were you thinking Jake?! You brought this fucking situation on us!" Cia heard every word they were saying. And she saw an opportunity.

Grecia walked from behind the tree and smiled at them, even though they couldn't see her smile. It took just a second and four guns were already aimed on her. "Hey chill," she said and lifted her hands. "I heard you're fucked up. Maybe I can help?" she asked them.

"Hands behind your head! Right now!" Cia was surrounded by police, she lifted her hands and put on a scared and confused look.
"What did I do?"
"You will have to go with us to the police miss." Said one of them and put a handcuffs on her. Seriously? Handcuffs?
"What exactly did I do Mister officer?" Cia asked, innocence and confusion filling her voice.
"We got a tip on drug smugglers here."
"But I don't have any drugs on me!" She yelled aggrievedly. Cia was playing a role of naive innocent girl perfectly. But they still made her get in the car and drove to the police station, while four people were hiding on the trees with a blank looks on their faces.

Grecia was sitting on an uncomfortable chair for a half hour already, maybe more. She was asked the same questions again and again, but answered always the same. No I do not do drugs. No, I am not a drug dealer or smuggler. I have been going home from meeting with my friend, I'll give you number, you can confirm. No I did not see anyone weird or suspicious. Still the same questions and answers. Then they took a drug tests on her and brought a young female worker to search her. They found nothing, how could they? She really didn't have anything.

The men came back in. Will he ask the same questions again? He seated his fat butt on comfortably looking chair and stared at her. "What is your name?" Well that was new. But Cia couldn't say, what if her new family find out, that she has already ended in police station? "I asked what is your name young lady. Can't you talk?"
"What do you want my name for?"
"So I could call your family," he growled at her angrily.
"You don't need to call them I'll get home on my own."
"Your name!" You are a young, confused and scared girl! She reminded herself.
"Grecia Perxon," she whispered.

It was about two in the morning, when someone came to pick her up. She felt horrible, because Mr. Perxon must have probably leave work to go for her. What she didn't expect was angry Raven and Jin in their car. Yep, she's definitely dead meat today.

Raven was asleep, when the phone rang loudly. He woke up only to find it was unknown number, so he shut his phone off and went back to sleep. In next minute Jin smashed the door. "What?!" he yelled and tried really hard not to throw something at him.
"Police just called. They want us to pick up Grecia."
"Cia is at police station? Why?" His heart felt anxious all of sudden.
"It was something with drugs. You're comming?" Drugs?!
Both of them drove through night to pick their weird step sister up.

Cia stood in front of police station with a blank eyes. "Get inside," Raven ordered and waited till she closed the door before scolding her. "What the fucking hell Cia?! Why are you at police station?"
"They thought I was smuggling drugs."
"Are you?" asked Jin.
"What the hell? Why the fuck would I do drugs? Do I have to destroy my life?" Silent, Raven drove away. "Why were you outside then?"
"I met Kim. The men who brought me here. He wanted to talk."
"Do you get that it's two morning already huh?" She just kept quiet. "What if something had happened to you? What if you really met those guys? What would you do then?!" If only he knew, that she did not just meet them, but even helped them escape.

"I'm sorry," Cia apologised quietly, "I didn't realise that danger. I'm sorry. " The rest of the way went quite and it felt like eternity. But finally!
"Go to sleep now. And tomorrow no running, we will talk about this after breakfast and I'll come with punishment for it. So it won't happen again." She felt sorry for him. It will happen again, a lot of times.
"Okey," she nodded and went to her room.

She did a good job. She made them believe her, those smugglers not her brothers. She was getting prepared to play, but for that she will need energy. Her eyes were closing so she lied on her big bad and left them. She felt asleep in a minute.

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