NO. 28

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Eleonor waited for Cia. They destroyed another two of their actions and somehow, police got two other groups, while Cia was gone. That was an amazing chance. "Are you sure about that? He is not easy to lie to," El warned her. She was nervous.
"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing." Cia worked hard on that. Gevin helped her a bit.

They walked into a big house. It looked  even fancier that Perxon's house. Eleonor took her upstairs and told something to a man next to the door. In next few minutes, they let them in. A tall man was sitting behind a dark table, watching them carefully. "Eleonor, it seems like you brought back-up today." His voice somehow reminded her a snake.

"This is Grecia. She has something to say to you. So I brought her with me."
"Sit down then. Would you like some tea girls?" Both of them shaked heads and sat on a sofa. He sat across the table on an armchair. "So. What do you want to tell me?"

"You know, I thought about it. About all those missions, which has gone wrong. And I started to be suspicious about one person. It would only make sense, if one of us did that. But no one knows everything. There's you, and I doubt you would do such a thing. And then there's the one person, who usually communicates with us. He have much more informations than we have, so I've been following him before my holiday and while I was gone, El was watching him instead of me.

Once, I saw him meeting a police officer. I even took a photo." Cia gave him her phone with the photo. It took a lot of efforts to make those two meet. "And El recently took a familiar one." Eleonor handed him the phone. His face was starting tu turn red, but Cia continued.

"I'm not saying, that it's for sure. But I also got someone to check his bank account. There were deposits about the time our operations were revealed. I think, it would be for the best to check his phone and so on." Cia looked at him. He was watching her in disbelief. She even brought a document about deposits she talked about. Like she said, she knew what she was doing.

He picked up a phone and said something quietly, so girls couldn't hear him. Then he looked back at them. "Can I offer you something else than tea, while we're waiting?"

Brandon was basically dragged in and thrown on the floor. He looked confused. "Boss. What is happening?"
"Give me your phone," he ordered. Brandon started to blabber and tried to got out of that situation, but Cia already took his phone and unlocked it with his finger. Then she sent a quick message to Gevin from that phone and deleted it.

She handed the phone to the Boss, who's name she still didn't know. "Who do you think you are!" screamed Brandon. Cia smiled at him.
"If you're not hiding anything, you have nothing to be nervous of," she told him. Boss was going through the phone for a little while, then he looked at girls.
"I didn't find anything."
"Can I take a look?"
"Sure." With that, he gave Cia the phone.

Cia went through his messages, and than found a icon secret chats in setup. She smiled and clicked on it and gave it back to Boss. He went through messages, Brandon had no idea about. That was Gevin's work. He did a great job as always.

Everyone watched Bosses face go white.  He looked so scary. Then he clicked on something and called from that phone. "Brandon?" answered Mr. Browns almost immediately. He was currently with Gevin, talking to them through phone they bought specially for this. "Do you have some other informations? You already told me about the action this evening, I'll send you money when we'll get them." Boss hanged up on him, he was so mad.

Those people drugged Brandon away. The Boss looked at them, frowning. "Well, Grecia, I guess I should thank you. You probably saved me some trouble." Cia nodded and smiled.
"I don't want to be rude, but we're meeting others and we're going to club  in a bit. So if you'll excuse us." He allowed them to leave, just as they were about to walk out of the door, they bumped into one of those guys drugging Brandon out a while ago.

"He ran away!" Cia and Eleonor exchanged nervous looks, but kept walking. They were meeting with others for real.

"Cia that was awesome! How did you do it?" she whispered when they made sure no one's following them.
"I was planning this. I made sure money were transferred to him everytime and today, when I took his phone I sent a message to a friend. He then hacked the phone and put those messages there. Lastly, the police officer I'm working with, was there with the hacker, so he picked up the phone. That mission tonight, police will be there. I'm sure he will call it off, but will check, if the police is there."
"Amazing," El said in shock.
"Yes. Plus, I put a tapping device into the sofa. We'll know what's happening like that." Cia couldn't help but smile. It went well.

They were in club, enjoying, when Cia's phone rang. Raven was calling. She quickly got out and picked up. They were at home for three days and none of them still apologised to her, so she wasn't talking to them. Why would she?

"Cia, where are you?" he asked.
"With my friends," she responded coldly.
"This late? You should come home." Cia sighted, but agreed. "Should I pick you up somewhere?"
"No, I'll walk. I'll be back in an hour." With that she hanged up.

"Alright. Cia is going to be here in hour. And I don't care what you say Octavius, we're apologising today. After all, this is our fault." No one dared to complain, they knew Raven was right.

Cia walked home, her brothers sitting on a sofa, obviously waiting for her. "Where were you this late?" Jin asked.
"With friends."
"Doing what?"
"We went to a club."
"What the fuck? That's illegal!" yelled Niles. "Wait, did you drink?" Cia stared at them, than shaked her head, leaving. "Hey! Where are you going? We're still talking!" shouted Octavius.

"Exactly. These six days you almost didn't even look at me. And now you're yelling at me for being with my friends? Like what the hell?"
"Cia mind your language!" It was Mace.
"Screw you all! Do you think I would be grateful for not talking to me and then scolding me out of nowhere? God! I know how to take care of myself!" Cia stormed to her room.

"Well that went well," said Leyton and went after her.


The second one today! And I'm probably going to write one more!

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