NO. 38

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Kim was sleeping when he received a call. He picked up the phone, not really realising, who he was talking to. Until he heard a loud sob. "K-Kim?" Cia's voice was trembling, she was obviously crying.

Kim was up immediately. The alarm in his head, he didn't even know he had, turned on. Was Cia alright? Omg! What was that tight feeling he had in his chest? He never felt it before!

"Cia? What is wrong? Where are you?!" he yelled to the phone, feeling anxious. Cia never cried. He didn't see her crying when she got hurt, when something didn't go the way she wanted to, not even when she almost got raped by that man. Which made him angry. More than he ever admitted to himself. The only day she cried was, when Eleonor died. And he was not there back then. It must have been something really bad, to call him in the middle of the night, crying.

Cia told him the address. Kim's heart almost skipped a beat, when she told him she's in different state. When did she go there? And why would she go without telling him? God he was worried.

"Okey Cia, I need you to calm down. I'll come as quickly as possible. Can you wait for me?"

"Yes." God, even her voice sounded weak. What on earth happened?

"Good. I'll be there as soon as possible," he reassured her, before hanging up.

Kim grabbed his wallet and documents, also car keys. In ten minutes, he was already on his way to private plane. He was not allowed to use it, unless it was an urgent matter. But somehow, Cia crying to the phone was urgent for him.

Kim was sitting in the plane, it should not take that long to get there, luckily, because the pressure he felt on his chest was killing him.

He had feelings for her.

It's not that he didn't know. But he knew Cia had a lot of trouble accepting her new family and adapting to everything. He didn't want to put another pressure on her. Another thing was their age gap. Cia was seventeen, which literally made her six years younger.

Kim was looking out from the window, kind of enjoying the view, but his mind was going from Cia to his first flight. It was kind of tiring.

Young boy was sitting across from older man. He wasn't scared. Whatever that man wanted to do to him, couldn't be worse than living on street, fighting for every small piece of food. Even if he wanted to kill him, he knew it'd be better than the life he had.

"Aren't you hungry?" Kim nodded. He was twelve and he was always hungry. Well after his parents' death six years ago. When he was forced to live with his horrible uncle, he had almost nothing to eat either, so he ran away. Since then, he was always fighting.

Kim shaked his head and the man sitting across from him raised his eyebrows. He was obviously interested in that boy. He seemed to be shy and scared, but he barely blinked, when he caught him stealing and told his men to take him. What an interesting boy.

"You're telling me, you're not hungry, when you're only bone and skin?" he said and saw the boy hesitate, before he shaked his had. Again. "And what if I told you, there's plenty of food here? And you can have as much as you eat?" Boy kept his face stright, but his eyes gave in.

In next few seconds, he was eating, as if he was not supposed to eat for the rest of his life, which made him throw up later. The man smiled. He already knew he will let this boy stay with him. "My name is Zachary Jordan," he introduced himself to boy, who was just stuffing his mouth with pancakes.

"I'm Kim," he said, his mouth still full. Zachary chuckled. This kid was adorable.

"Well Kim, you can call me Zach. And you can stay with me if you want."

That moment life of twelve years old Kim changed. To better.

Kim woked up, just when they were landing. God he felt asleep! Did Cia call him? No.
It was already five in the morning, the flight took about three hours.

Kim got out of the aeroplane and walked to the car they prepared for him, quickly writing an address she gave him to navigation. He barely remembered, when he was this stressed the last time. When was the last time he was worried about someone to that extent?

Kim was driving the car, his mind wondering again. When Zach took him in, he was afraid. Zach was strict, but he kind of became loving parent he didn't have since he was six. He took care of him, didn't get mad when Kim didn't trust him or argued. He was so patient.

Kim was fourteen, when he found out Zach was working as a special agent. And he made Zach train him to be one, the same year. It was a great part of their lives.

Then Zach got killed. And Kim took his place. He wished Zach would be proud.

Kim arrived to the location. It was a warehouse for coal. What was Cia doing here? He drove slowly to see her. Kim was just about to call her to ask where she was, when he noticed a small person sitting at the edge of the road. Cia.

Kim pulled out, quickly getting out of the car. Cia was sitting there, trembling.  It was so cold and she was only wearing T-shirt and jeans. Kim ran to her, happy she was alright. But when she looked up at him, her beautiful green eyes were filled with tears. And not just tears, also fear and deep sadness.

Cia didn't say anything when she stood up and pressed something harder to her chest. She looked stright at him, tears running down her cheeks, leaving wet traces behind them. Kim couldn't bear to see her that way anymore. He pulled her to hug. She was so cold. Too cold.

And as he hugged her, she broke into unstoppable cry.

Oh God.

His heart was breaking.


That's it for today.

How did you like a little peak to Kim's mind?



LOVE YOU!!! 🖤🖤🖤

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