NO. 50

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Mandy was sitting in the room. Her belly was huge, almost enormous. They were expecting the baby any day already. Raven was nervous and the boys as well. But they all treated her well.

Mandy got up, she was quite hungry and so she decided to make a breakfast. As she walked down the stairs she felt pain in back again. She got down and started with breakfast. Her mind kept wandering around.

This house was not that cheerful place anymore. Somehow everyone missed the war zone. But they could do nothing about it. Mandy put the breakfast on the table. Her child kicked her. She sat down.

Raven walked in and she smiled at him. And suddenly...

Her water broke.

Raven's eyes widened and Octavius bumped into him as he stopped in the door. "What-" his eyes felt on the wet floor and he started screaming while running upstairs. "We're going to hospital! Mandy's giving birth!"

And the chaos began. Raven took Mandy to a car, but forgot keys. When he went for them, Niles bumped into him and spilled his coffee all over Raven's shirt. When he finally found those keys, he dropped them five times before opening the car door. Jin and their dad were helping Mandy, while Raven drove into hospital. Another two cars following them.

Mandy got into her room together with Raven and the rest was standing outside dumbfounded. "Did someone call Mace?" They completely forgot he moved out after what happened. After Cia-

"I'll call him," his twin said and started the phone call. "He'll be here soon."

None of them felt comfortable in hospital. It was too many memories and everything. But this was a different.

It took a few hours, when Raven walked out, smiling like a baby. He seemed to be so happy. He wasn't smiling like that since that day. "We have twins, a girl and a boy. All of them are alright." Everyone congratulated them. Such a great news.

The girl was named Aella. That was Cia's name, given by her mother. Boy was Alexander.

Mandy was laying in her bed, happy the whole giving birth thing was already behind her. She had two kids. Twins. And they were beautiful. She only wished Cia was there. Well, she should show her her niece and nephew. She'll go after getting discharged.

Another two months passed and Christmas day was already behind the corner. Mandy just put her kids to sleep after feeding them and joined everyone else in living room. They were watching Home alone. The film just ended, when the door bell rang. Octavius was the first one to go open.

Eric Donovan walked inside the house. He noticed that even Mace was there. He sat on an empty chair and put a flashdisk on the table. "I thought it was about time for you to have this," he said and smiled sadly. "She wanted me to give it to you if something goes wrong."

Eric didn't know, what was on that flashdisk at all. He was asked to give it to her family and some time has already pass since then. Jin took the flashdisk and plunged it into the TV.

Suddenly Cia's face appeared on the screen.

"Oh. I'm recording already. Alright then."

She smiled over her own mistake.

"Well, I'm not even sure someone will hear this, but if you're listening, that means that the fucked up plan actually got fuck up.
I'm not really sure, what to say. Let's start with thank you. You know, I never had a family, but you made me have one. Thanks to you I felt happy, safe and home for the first time in my life. So thanks for that, you have no idea how much that means to me.

Next thing I want to say is probably sorry. I'm sorry for endangering you all. I'm sorry for lying from the beginning. I'm sorry for not being able to keep my promise Mandy. I'm sorry.

You know, I'm not sure what happened to me, but something apparently had to, since you're watching this. You know, if I'm gone, don't be sad for too long. I mean, remember me, talk about me time to time, but don't be sad while doing so. Otherwise you should rather forget me.
You know, life is short piece of shit and believe it or not, the only person who can make you happy is you yourself. So laugh, love and be happy. Take care
about each other."

Everyone was crying already. Cia was smiling and her words crushed them. They missed her so much. She got to the camera and covered it with finger. The screen went black, it was the end.

"Ha! You thought that is all?
There's this one last thing I need to tell you!
I love you all so much!"

And with that the recording ended, leaving the whole living room in silence and tears.


Well that was a short and emotional chapter.

What do you think about it?

Let me know in comments!


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